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Cedric Beust, Co-founder, TestNG

 Cedric  Beust, Co-founder, TestNG

Cédric Beust is the co-founder of the TestNG framewwork and is a senior software engineer at Google.

He holds a PhD in computer science. His interests include aspect-oriented programming, testing, tools, back-end and GUI and everything related to software engineering in general. Cedric maintains a weblog at www.beust.com/weblog.

Presentation: "Designing for Testability"

Time: Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: City


The bane of a software developer's existence is the bug. Some are small, some are big, and some are incredibly complicated and occur under bizarre circumstances. One of the best ways to eliminate a large percentage of bugs from code is to write tests for your code, however not all code is easily testable.

Alexandru and Cedric will discuss ways to make code more testable. They will describe several features of TestNG, which is a testing framework that they created based off of their experience with other Java test frameworks. They will also discuss general design and implementation strategies which will ensure that you write software with more testability and less bugs.

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