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James Ward, Adobe

 James  Ward

James Ward is a Technical Evangelist for Flex at Adobe and Adobe's JCP representative to JSR 286, 299, and 301.

Much like his love for climbing mountains he enjoys programming because it provides endless new discoveries, elegant workarounds, summits and valleys. His adventures in climbing have taken him many places.

Likewise, technology has brought him many adventures, including: Pascal and Assembly back in the early 90?s; Perl, HTML, and JavaScript in the mid 90?s; then Java and many of it?s frameworks beginning in the late 90's.

Today he primarily uses Flex to build beautiful front-ends for Java based back-ends. Prior to Adobe, James built a rich marketing and customer service portal for Pillar Data Systems.

Presentation: "Adobe: RIAs - Beyond the Buzz"

Time: Thursday 14:30 - 15:30

Location: Concordia


Rich Internet Applications, AJAX and Web 2.0 are the buzzwords of the day. Media and businesses alike use these terms to try and gain mindshare. But while these trends may currently be ?over-hyped,? the underlying technologies are truly driving rapid innovation on multiple fronts, and are especially gaining momentum in the enterprise. In fact, analysts predict that by 2010, at least 60 percent of new application development projects will include RIA technology.

In this presentation, the spokesperson will separate the Web 2.0 buzz from reality. He will show how application developers are using Flex and Adobe AIR to create RIAs that are transforming enterprise processes. He will present what developers are doing ? right now ? to design enterprise-wide rich Internet applications that combine the best of traditional graphical user interface applications with the wide reach of Web-based access, leading to more streamlined business processes and richer customer service. He will show how enterprise application developers and IT can work together to fundamentally shift technology architectures, application content, communication, collaboration and business services.

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