Presentation: "Basking in the Limelight"

Time: Wednesday 11:45 - 12:45

Location: Cornell

Abstract: Limelight is Ruby on the desktop. Build applications with multiple windows, or just one window. Take control of the desktop, or play nicely with the desktop. Create fun animated games, or productive business apps. Develop rich internet applications, or unwired apps to make you rich. Publish your apps on the internet, or keep them for you and your friends. Do all this, writing nothing but Ruby code, in Limelight.

Micah Martin, 8th Light

 Micah  Martin Micah Martin is a Software Craftsman and President of 8th Light, Inc. He is co-author of the book “Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#” and creator of creator of Limelight and FitNesse open source tools. He has 10 years of experience consulting, training, and developing software focusing on agile practices and software craftsmanship. Since 2006, Micah has been working almost exclusively with Ruby/JRuby, stressing it to the edge, developing enterprise systems.