QCon San Francisco 2010 is SOLD OUT
Tutorials: November 1 -2, 2010
Conference: November 3-5, 2010
QCon is a practitioner-driven conference designed for team leads, architects and project management. The program includes two tutorial days led by industry experts and authors and three conference days with 16 tracks covering a wide variety of relevant and exciting topics in software development today. There is no other event in the US with similar opportunities for learning, networking, and tracking innovation occurring in the enterprise software development community.
Speakers include:
Patrick Copeland, Google Director of Engineering; Saved Google 700 engineering years
Michael Nygard, Author of "Release It!"
Dan Ingalls, The principal architect of five generations of Smalltalk environment
Martin Fowler, Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks and Loud-Mouth on Object Design
Nick Kallen, Twitter Engineer; FlockDb co-creator
Stuart Halloway, Author of "Programming Clojure" and "Rails for Java Developers"
Dan North, Agile troublemaker, developer, originator of BDD
... and more
Tracks in 2010
Agile Evolution
The changing face of Agile and future directions.
Architectures you've always wondered about
Design, architecture, and lessons learned from famous companies
Dev and Ops: A Single Team
Bringing Dev and Ops together to work as a single team
Java, the Platform
The growth of Java-the-platform independent of Java-the-language
Architecture Anarchists
Regarding architecture; I wouldn't start from here
Learning from Experience
Covering a wide range of Agile experiences and what we can learn from them
An exploration of the current state of NoSQL technologies
Securing the Web: Capabilities, JavaScript, and HTML
Explore many aspects of web security, from specific issues to general theories
Design at Scale
Architecture, Teams, and Processes at Scale
Intuitive Parallel Programming
How can we, as software developers, learn how to understand concurrent programs?
Real Life Cloud Architectures
Vendors and practitioners make their case for the nature of the Cloud and its status as the “Next Big Thing!”
SOA for the REST of us
Solve the biggest SOA problems with a REST
Registration is Closed
QCon SF 2010 is Sold Out
Join us for QCon London 2011
QCon Videos
Lennart Augustsson - "Strongly Typed Domain Specific Embedded Languages"
Kent Beck - "Just You Wait"
Martin Fowler and Rebecca Parsons - "Agilists and Architects: Allies not Adversaries Presentation"
Greg Young - "Unshackle Your Domain"
Martin Fowler and Zack Exley - "Democratic Political Technology Revolution"
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