Training: "Rest from Scratch"
Time: Monday 09:00 - 16:00
Location: Olympic Room
Does REST need to be more than just HTTP verbs and xml or json in order to make it capable of
supporting traditional service architectures through the web? This
tutorial will start from scratch and guide us through a series of
steps showing code that creates a restful set of services which
benefits from several REST characteristcs, including:
- understanding resources through its representations
- vendorizing a media type
- supporting searches through open search
- supporting client side cache
- must ignore rule and forward compatibility
- hypermedia and guiding clients
- delegating part of the system and media type-binding
- asynchronous processing
Extra topics include:
- client side DSLs
- error handling
- staless and resources
Focus will not be put on the theory part but showing how to achieve
those goals and at the same time giving a simple and practical
explanation of those.
Everyone is welcome to code at the same time and follow all steps.
Those who bring their computers will be able to do it at the same time
and achieve something at the end. The only requirement is a compatible
environment that will be described later via email such as rvm,
rubygems and some gems.
Recommended Literature
For those who want to benefit the most and be top of the class, both
Rest in Practice and Restful Webservices Cookbook provide a solid