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Ola Bini, Language Geek

 Ola  Bini

Ola Bini works as a language geek for ThoughtWorks in Chicago. He is from Sweden but don't hold that against him. He is one of the JRuby core developers and have been involved in JRuby development since 2006. At one point in time, Ola got tired of all existing programming languages and decided to create his own, called Ioke. Then he did it again, and started work on Seph. He has written a book called Practical JRuby on Rails Projects for APress, and coauthered Using JRuby for the Pragmatic Programmers, talked at numerous conferences, and contributed to a large amount of open source projects. He is also a member of the JSR292 Expert Group

His main passion lies in expression engines and trying to figure out how to create good YAML parsers.

Presentation: "Adopting the JVM"

Time: Wednesday 14:05 - 15:05

Location: Olympic Room

Abstract: The JVM gives developers access to a multitude of powerful languages that can make your life as a developer much better. But getting started can be a problem. There are many resources out there but it can sometimes be tricky to see how they apply to the regular Java developer. This presentation will give an introduction to how to successfully apply polyglot programming on the JVM by starting to use languages like Ruby, ML, Scala and Clojure without giving up your day to day Java coding.