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Randy Shoup, eBay Chief Engineer
Randy Shoup is a Distinguished Architect in the eBay Marketplace Architecture group. Since 2004, he has been the primary architect for eBay's search infrastructure.
Prior to eBay, Randy was Chief Architect at Tumbleweed Communications, and has also held a variety of software development and architecture roles at Oracle and Informatica. He received a BS in Mathematical and Computational Science, and an AB in Political Science, from Stanford University.
Presentation: "Introduction and Overview of Wednesday's Tracks"
Wednesday 09:00 - 09:20
Metropolitan Ballroom
Abstract: Ryan Slobojan and Wednesday Track Hosts will present the program and provide a short introduction to the Tracks scheduled for Wednesday.
Presentation: "More Best Practices for Large-Scale Web Sites -- Lessons from eBay"
Wednesday 12:05 - 13:05
Franciscan I & II
Abstract: Building on previous QCon presentations, this session covers five additional architectural and operational best practices used at eBay. It covers the next set of challenges faced by Internet-scale systems, including dependency management, in-flight system changes, data collection and aggregation, and purpose-built infrastructure. It further outlines reusable patterns associated with each challenge.
In this session, you will learn a set of proven strategies and techniques for massively scaling a Web site, as well as specific reusable software and system patterns.
Presentation: "Being Elastic – Evolving Programming for the Cloud"
Thursday 09:20 - 10:20
Metropolitan Ballroom
With public cloud offerings from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others, vast computational resources have now become inexpensive and widely-available. Compute and storage capacity which was once only available to the largest organizations is now available to the masses. At the same time, the cloud imposes a new set of rules and constraints, and by extension, a new set of challenges for developers.
Traditional programming approaches designed for small clusters and fixed resources will not make the most efficient use of highly virtualized, distributed, and auto-scaled cloud infrastructures. Instead, we are forced to think about, design, and implement our systems in a new way. Only by embracing the unique aspects of the cloud can developers expect to fully reap its benefits.
This presentation will outline several critical elements of the evolving cloud programming model – what do developers need to do to develop successful systems in the cloud. It will discuss state management and statelessness, distribution- and network-awareness, workload partitioning, cost and resource metering, automation readiness, and deployment strategies.
Presentation: "Introduction and Overview of Friday's Tracks"
Friday 09:00 - 09:20
Metropolitan Ballroom
Abstract: Kresten Krab Thorup and Friday's Track Hosts will present the program and provide a short introduction to the Tracks scheduled for Friday.