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Christophe Coenraets, Adobe
Christophe Coenraets is a Technical Evangelist for Adobe where he focuses on rich Internet applications and enterprise integration. He has been working on Flex since the early days of the product in 2003. In his previous role at Macromedia, Christophe worked on JRun, the company's J2EE application server. Before joining Macromedia, Christophe was managing Java and Internet applications evangelism at Sybase. Christophe has been a regular speaker at conferences worldwide for the last 15 years. He blogs at http://coenraets.org
Presentation: "HTML 5 Design and Development Tooling"
Friday 14:05 - 15:05
Metropolitan Ballroom II & III
Abstract: With the advent of HTML 5, designers and developers are looking for ways to work together most efficiently, and leverage their respective skills without requiring developers to become designers and designers to become developers. In this session, we explore the latest advances in HTML 5/CSS 3 tooling that facilitate the integration of design and development to fully deliver on the potential of HTML 5. We also provide a pragmatic, drama-free view of when and how Flash can complement HTML 5, and discuss the future of Flash in the new Rich Internet Application landscape.