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Joshua Kerievsky, Founder, Industrial Logic and Author of "Refactoring to Patterns"
Joshua Kerievsky is founder of Industrial Logic , Inc., an early pioneer and expert in Extreme Programming (XP), author of the best-selling, Jolt Cola Award-winning book Refactoring to Patterns, thought leader behind Industrial XP, a state-of-the-art synthesis of XP and Agile Project Management and an innovator of Agile eLearning, which helps organizations “Scale Agility Faster.” Joshua has over 20 years of experience in software development and loves coaching agile project communities, helping executives understand and manage technical debt, leading excellent workshops, and building software products (because it enables him to “walk the agile talk” as an entrepreneur, manager, customer and programmer).
Website: http://industriallogic.com/index.html
Books: Refactoring to Patterns
Twitter: @JoshuaKerievsky
Presentation: "Objects On Trial"
Wednesday 09:20 - 10:20
Metropolitan Ballroom
Abstract: It’s been a quarter of a century since objects really arrived on the software scene, with great fanfare, lofty expectations, and more than a little hype. One can argue, and there are those who do, that objects have won. That their triumph is complete. That object-oriented programming has become, well, programming. And yet, the case can be made that this “victory” has come at a cost that must be measured against the conceptual complexity these highbrow languages have brought with them, the architectural Balkanization and “Trail of Tiers” they have wrought, and the impedance mismatches that have resulted from the Babel of languages that O-O has spawned, and its defeat in the data tier.
Have objects met the transformative promises made for them a generation ago? Or have they done more harm than good?
The time has come to put them on trial. We’ll remand objects themselves to the dock, and hear from a panel of distinguished, expert witnesses for the prosecution and the defense, before letting the You, the Jury, decide their fate.
Presentation: "Sufficient Design: Quality In Sync With Business Context"
Wednesday 15:35 - 16:35
How could a big glob of complicated Greasemonkey script be considered beautiful? What if it saved a company millions of dollars, let them rocket past their competitors and only cost $40 dollars to produce?
Our notion of beautiful code is incomplete when it ignores the business context of code. An elegant software solution to a problem must handle many competing forces, only one of which is technical beauty.
Genuine professionals must work in sync with business, not foolishly produce poorly-designed working code or blindly following rigid rules about “clean code”. A Sufficient Design is one that fits the business context perfectly. It may be technically elegant, good, mediocre or even poor. The art is to set quality levels to be in sync with the business context and to adjust that quality level in response to business context changes.
In this talk I’ll share real-world stories and lessons learned about Sufficient Design.
Presentation: "Lean Startup: Why It Rocks Far More Than Agile Development"
Thursday 12:05 - 13:05
Lean Startup is a disciplined, scientific and capital efficient method for discovering and building products and services that people love. Pioneered by entrepreneur and engineer, Eric Ries, the Lean Startup method will thoroughly change how you think about and practice agility. Born from the struggles and ultimate triumphs of successful software companies, Lean Startups use rigorous experimentation, careful measurement, validated learning and pivot/persevere decisions to systematically produce happy customers and successful businesses. In this talk, you'll learn why this decade will be dominated by the Lean Startup method and what you can do to make it a part of your process.
Presentation: "Refactoring to Patterns"
Thursday 16:50 - 17:50
Franciscan I & II
Abstract: Refactoring to Patterns is the marriage of refactoring -- the process of improving the design of existing code -- with patterns, the classic solutions to recurring design problems. Refactoring to Patterns suggests that using patterns to improve an existing design is better than using patterns early in a new design. This is true whether code is years old or minutes old. We improve designs with patterns by applying sequences of low-level design transformations, known as refactorings. In this talk, Joshua will go through the most important ways of improving your architecture with refactoring and patterns, taken from his best-selling book of the same name.