Presentation: "Android App Anatomy"
Java Renaissance
Time: Thursday 16:10 - 17:00
Location: Seacliff CD
Abstract: "Android has come a long way since version 1.0. Thanks to the compatibility library and ActionBarSherlock we can bring the latest Android experience to any device. In this talk, Eric Burke shows how to craft modern Android applications in a clean, maintainable way using the newest APIs and open source frameworks.
Topics include:
- Lifecycle deep
- dive: loaders, fragments, and dialogsOne activity,
- many fragmentsAvoiding tight
- coupling with Otto, an open source Android event busMaking
- dependency injection fast through code generation
Topics include:
- Lifecycle deep
- dive: loaders, fragments, and dialogsOne activity,
- many fragmentsAvoiding tight
- coupling with Otto, an open source Android event busMaking
- dependency injection fast through code generation