Presentation: "Javascript Performance Patterns"
Thursday 14:50 - 15:40
Grand Ballroom BC
Today JavaScript is the second largest contributor to the page load size (after images, source: http://httparchive.org). But while images only affect first impressions, JavaScript can make your app slow for as long as the user interacts with it. It’s therefore critical to understand and tame JavaScript performance.
This session looks at both page delivery and user interaction to highlight patterns and areas of improvement starting with proper benchmarking and profiling. Understanding what to improve (e.g. DOM manipulation) is as valuable as understanding what not to bother with (e.g. unrolling loops) We’ll also look at some of the new and shiny in HTML5 and ECMAScript5 and how certain features affect performance, e.g. data-* attributes, localStorage and various "shims".
Stoyan Stefanov, Facebook, Author of "JavaScript Patterns" by O'Reilly
Stoyan Stefanov is a Facebook engineer (a former Yahoo!) and an author, contributor, and tech reviewer of various O'Reilly books. He speaks regularly about web development topics at conferences and on his blog at www.phpied.com. Stoyan is the creator of the smush.it image optimization tool, YUI contributor and architect of Yahoo's performance optimization tool YSlow 2.0.
Blog: www.phpied.com
Twitter: @stoyanstefanov