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David Anderson, Founder of APLN
David Anderson is thought leader in managing effective software team. He is a board member and founder of the APLN and signatory of the project management Declaration of Interdependence.
He has 26 years experience in the software development business starting with computer games in the early 1980's. As a pioneer in the agile software movement David has managed teams at Corbis, Sprint and Motorola delivering superior productivity and quality. While at Microsoft he developed the MSF for CMMI Process Improvement methodology.
David's book, Agile Management for Software Engineering - Applying the Theory of Constraints for Business Results, introduced many ideas from Lean and Theory of Constraints in to software engineering.
Recently, as Senior Director of Software Engineering at Corbis, David led a team that introduced many Lean ideas including use of kanban, oobeya, and visual control techniques. The results were astounding. The team demonstrated high levels of productivity, improved lead times and quality. Email:dja@agilemanagement.net
Training: "The Zen of Agile Management"
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
What is the essence of agile management? How do you create a culture of
continuous improvement? With light touch, empowerment, delegation, high
levels of trust, and focus on the correct leverage point to drive
maximum advantage. Learn the Zen of agile management! A set of
techniques developed by David J. Anderson over the last 8 years through
his experience managing teams at Fortune 100 companies such as Motorola
and Sprint using Feature Driven Development, Microsoft Solutions
Framework (and Team Foundation Server) and his latest work at Corbis
using Lean ideas such as kanban.
This full-day workshop dives into the heart of how to manage with
queues using kanban boards, cumulative flow diagrams and application of
wider ideas in management science, to software development process.
Through David's experience as senior director of the software
engineering function at Bill Gates' private company, Corbis, you will
learn how to scale Agile and Lean techniques enterprise-wide.