Training: "Dojo"
Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00
SitePen's Dylan Schiemann leads this one-day introduction to working with the Dojo Toolkit to build and enhance web content and applications. This hands-on training workshop gives you a rapid introduction to the capabilities of Dojo and experience applying them to solve real problems. In this workshop, you will learn:
* What to expect when developing Ajax and Dojo-based web applications
* Where browsers fail and the gaps toolkits fill
* Essential JavaScript features and techniques for rich web application development
* How to effectively test and debug your web application
* DOM, Ajax, Animations made easy with the Dojo core APIs
* Creating and packaging your first Dojo application
* What is, and what's in Dijit and DojoX
As an extraordinary SitePen training workshop, providing thorough grounding in Ajax development with the Dojo Toolkit, this is a day-long immersion into Dojo and the building blocks it provides to mak
browser-based user interfaces easy to build. We will work up from the fundamentals to cover language concepts, development techniques and best practices to help you get the most out of Dojo. By the end of the course, you will be productive with Dojo's core APIs, know when and where to employ Dojo and have a solid platform for further learning.
This course is a great first course for anyone wanting to learn about Dojo, Ajax, and/or Rich Internet Applications.
Dylan Schiemann, Cofounder, Dojo
Dylan Schiemann is CEO of SitePen and co-founder of the Dojo Toolkit, an
open source JavaScript toolkit for rapidly building web sites and
applications, and is an expert in the technologies and opportunities of
the Open Web. Under his guidance, SitePen has grown from a small
development firm to a leading provider of inventive tools, skilled
software engineers, knowledgeable consulting services, and top-notch
training and advice. Dylan's commitment to R&D has enabled SitePen to be
a major contributor to or creator of pioneering open source web
development toolkits and frameworks like Dojo, cometD, DWR, and
Prior to SitePen, Dylan developed web applications for
companies like Renkoo, Informatica, Security FrameWorks and Vizional
Technologies. He is a co-founder of Comet Daily, LLC, a board member at
Dojo Foundation and a member of the Advisory Board at Aptana. Dylan
earned his Masters in Physical Chemistry from UCLA and his B.A. in
Mathematics from Whittier College.