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Aaron Sanders
I focus on enabling organizations bearing high-value products to
market in a continuously improving, sustaining flow and fast
adaptability to changing conditions.
Utilizing my talents as an accomplished and passionate software
developer, I became skilled in creating and maintaining
enterprise-class network enabled, data-driven software applications on
all types of teams. I've since established myself as a courageous,
focused, energetic software coach with deep insight into the
motivations behind Agile values and principles.
Looking for a better way to do business, I learned of Agile early in
this decade, and incorporated the principles in to my place of work.
We were empowered to change the development method completely,
aligning to business goals and expectations. I continue to learn,
share and implement ideas to shepard organizational transitions into
this space. Recently, I was involved in pushing the definition of
Agile to new levels at Yahoo!. At this time, I am working at Rally,
collaborating with associates and organizations to steward the
emergence of these Agile values and enable widespread adoption.
Training: "A Kanban Primer"
Monday 09:00 - 12:00
Kanban style development seems to make everyone nervous. Kanban emphasizes small complete packages of work, which concerns traditional development practitioners who might favor analysis and design of an entire product release. Yet, Kanban continues to grow in popularity because it solves many of the problems found in both agile and traditional approaches.
In this half-day tutorial you’ll learn the essential theories behind Kanban and Lean development. You’ll learn concepts that help you see your process from a different perspective. You’ll take away the basics you’ll need to set up a Kanban approach within your team. You’ll even get some tips on practicing Kanban without anyone knowing you are. All they’ll notice is more consistent delivery of high quality software.
Topics covered:
* The theory behind Kanban and pull thinking
* A Lean concept vocabulary you can use to assess and tune your current process
* The basics of setting up Kanban style development in your team
* Some guidance on integrating a Kanban approach into a mixed-process organizaton