Presentation: "HTML5 Cross-Platform Mobile Solutions"

Time: Friday 13:30 - 14:20

Location: Regency

Abstract: With many solutions available today enabling web developers to use their existing HTML5 skillset to develop
cross-platform mobile solutions, it can be extremely confusing deciding on the best way to get started.  We will examine the potential options available and take a deeper looking into the advantages and disadvantages for each.

Woody Pewitt, Telerik

 Woody  Pewitt Woody Pewitt has held about every job related to software development - from developer, product manager, to director, and many more in between. What he really enjoys is using cutting edge technologies to make software that wows users, and then sharing the story of how it was built. Woody works as an Evangelist at Telerik, an agile international software company, which builds tools for software developers and development teams, including Icenium, a cross-platform mobile development tool.