Presentation: Autonomous Operations: Microservices, ML and AI


2:55pm - 3:45pm



Microservice architectures have increased the speed at which systems changed and reduced the complexity of the units inside those systems. These improvements come at price though: system complexity grows quadratically as the number of services increases.

Operating systems consisting of many moving parts under near constant change will quickly become untenable for human beings. Enter AI.

In this talk, we’ll explore the increasing automated field of operations and explore what the future might hold when machine learning and AI techniques are brought to bear on the problem of systems operations.

We’ll not only explore what might be possible, but we’ll also see some real examples of what is possible with today’s toolchains and compute power.

Speaker: Rob Harrop

CEO @Skipjaq & Co-Founder of SpringSource

As CEO at Skipjaq, Rob Harrop leads a team working on the cutting edge of machine-driven performance optimisation. When he’s not thinking about how best to tune the myriad workloads encountered by Skipjaq customers, he’s thinking hard about how to pass the optimisation burden on to machines that learn. Rob is well known as a co-founder of SpringSource, the software company behind the wildly-successful Spring Framework. At SpringSource he was a core contributor to the Spring Framework and led the team that built dm Server (now Eclipse Virgo). Prior to SpringSource, Rob was (at the age of 19) co-founder and CTO at Cake Solutions, a boutique consultancy in Manchester, UK. A respected author, speaker and teacher, Rob writes and talks frequently about large-scale systems, cloud architecture and functional programming. His published works include the highly-popular Spring Framework reference “Pro Spring”.

Find Rob Harrop at

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