Presentation: Scaling Reliability: So You Want to Add a 9



4:10pm - 5:00pm



We choose microservice architectures for many different reasons, including, often, improving reliability. However, there is a dark side. Modular systems have many benefits, but as you add more components, each of which can fail, it makes the overall system more fragile, because there are new ways in which it can fail that previously didn't exist. From its inception, Finagle was designed as a toolkit for reliable systems. We'll discuss understanding the reliability of your system (monitoring! load tests! service level objectives!), how to recover when your system fails (alerts! rollbacks! rolling restarts! failovers!), how to make a system reliable (retries! backpressure! circuit breakers!), and how to debug a reliability problem (tracing! logs! persistence!).

Speaker: Moses Nakamura

Core Systems Libraries Software Engineer @Twitter

Moses Nakamura is an engineer on the Core Systems Library team at Twitter, which runs the open source projects finagle and finatra. He is responsible for adding http/2 support to finagle.

Find Moses Nakamura at

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