Conference: Nov 13-15, 2017
Workshops: Nov 16-17, 2017
Track: Sponsored Solutions Track IV
- Seacliff D
Day of week:
- Wednesday
Industry practitioners and technical product managers from leading vendors demonstrate solutions to some of today's toughest software development challenges in the areas of performance monitoring, Big Data, software delivery, scalability, and more.
by Mark Vanderwiele
IBM Distinguished Engineer
Every day of our lives is flooded with multi-modal information from various facets of life, from work, from our family and our social interactions, all characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty. In this talk we explore how to increase our efficiency using the capacity of cognitive computing and machine learning to synthesize and analyze the evolving patterns in life and the interactions of our everyday activities, including our business information, our...
by Dave McAllister
Director of Developer Engineering @Solace
While there are many ways to manage the movement of real-time information between connected “things” and your enterprise systems, taking advantage of the open standards and tools at your disposal will give you the richest functionality and most flexibility. This presentation will cover relevant system requirements, and discuss protocol needs at the Fog, Edge and Core layers of an IoT solution. We’ll delve into real-world examples (like smart city and industrial...
by Michael Williams
eSignLive Evangelism & Community Manager
In this presentation, we’ll show you how easy it is to get started with the eSignLive REST API and Java/.NET SDKs to integrate e-signature capabilities into your web portal, core system or legacy application. We’ll highlight:
- The value of e-signatures
- Common integration use cases
- Necessary components and getting started
- Live application demo
- Live coding demo
- Helpful Resources; a guided tour of the eSignLive Developer Community ...
by Ashley Roach
API and Cloud Evangelist @Cisco
Do you want to drive awareness and understanding of how APIs work among your peers and colleagues? As a scalable alternative to full-blown hackathons, an API Scavenger hunt could be the solution to break down the intimidation factor for API newbies! Learn how Cisco DevNet piloted this technique and how we built a Swagger-based answer-submission API in two weeks. Finally, we will also discuss how we deployed using Cloud Native and 12 Factor principles.
by Adib Saikali
Advisory Platform Architect @Pivotal
Many of us are using microservice architecture for applications we know will go to production. Let's tackle the topic of how to secure microservices! We will focus on the patterns and protocols used to secure microservice based architectures. The goal is to present how standards such as JWT, JWA, JWS, JWE, JWK, OAuth2, OpenId Connect, SCIM and others can be combined to make writing secure microservices easy. There will be demos to illustrate these ideas.
by Mat Henshall
Head of Things @ThoughtWorks Inc
When the organizers of QCon came to ThoughtWorks to help create a solution to capturing session feedback, an epic journey was started. In this talk we walk through the process, decision making and tooling of creating a custom piece of hardware as part of a broader solution. It is easier and cheaper than it has ever been. However, in order deliver on that promise, the team had to accept the challenge of novel constraints and solve problems holistically. Many of the agile and human centered...
Monday Nov 7
Architectures You've Always Wondered About
You know the names. Now learn lessons from their architectures
Distributed Systems War Stories
“A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable.” - Lamport.
Containers Everywhere
State of the art in Container deployment, management, scheduling
Art of Relevancy and Recommendations
Lessons on the adoption of practical, real-world machine learning practices. AI & Deep learning explored.
Next Generation Web Standards, Frameworks, and Techniques
JavaScript, HTML5, WASM, and more... innovations targetting the browser
Optimize You
Keeping life in balance is a challenge. Learn lifehacks, tips, & techniques for success.
Tuesday Nov 8
Next Generation Microservices
What will microservices look like in 3 years? What if we could start over?
Java: Are You Ready for This?
Real world lessons & prepping for JDK9. Reactive code in Java today, Performance/Optimization, Where Unsafe is heading, & JVM compile interface.
Big Data Meets the Cloud
Overviews and lessons learned from companies that have implemented their Big Data use-cases in the Cloud
Evolving DevOps
Lessons/stories on optimizing the deployment pipeline
Software Engineering Softskills
Great engineers do more than code. Learn their secrets and level up.
Modern CS in the Real World
Applied, practical, & real-world dive into industry adoption of modern CS ideas
Wednesday Nov 9
Architecting for Failure
Your system will fail. Take control before it takes you with it.
Stream Processing
Stream Processing, Near-Real Time Processing
Bare Metal Performance
Native languages, kernel bypass, tooling - make the most of your hardware
Culture as a Differentiator
The why and how for building successful engineering cultures
//TODO: Security <-- fix this
Building security from the start. Stories, lessons, and innovations advancing the field of software security.
UX Reimagined
Bots, virtual reality, voice, and new thought processes around design. The track explores the current art of the possible in UX and lessons from early adoption.