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'' : uitooltip+'-icon'), 'title': close, 'aria-label': close }) .prepend( $('', { 'class': 'ui-icon ui-icon-close', 'html': '×' }) ); } // Create button and setup attributes elements.button.appendTo(elements.titlebar) .attr('role', 'button') .hover(function(event){ $(this).toggleClass('ui-state-hover', event.type === 'mouseenter'); }) .click(function(event) { if(!tooltip.hasClass(disabled)) { self.hide(event); } return FALSE; }) .bind('mousedown keydown mouseup keyup mouseout', function(event) { $(this).toggleClass('ui-state-active ui-state-focus', event.type.substr(-4) === 'down'); }); // Redraw the tooltip when we're done self.redraw(); } function createTitle() { var id = tooltipID+'-title'; // Destroy previous title element, if present if(elements.titlebar) { removeTitle(); } // Create title bar and title elements elements.titlebar = $('
', { 'class': uitooltip + '-titlebar ' + (options.style.widget ? 'ui-widget-header' : '') }) .append( elements.title = $('
', { 'id': id, 'class': uitooltip + '-title', 'aria-atomic': TRUE }) ) .insertBefore(elements.content); // Create button if enabled if(options.content.title.button) { createButton(); } // Redraw the tooltip dimensions if it's rendered else if(self.rendered){ self.redraw(); } } function updateButton(button) { var elem = elements.button, title = elements.title; // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return if(!self.rendered) { return FALSE; } if(!button) { elem.remove(); } else { if(!title) { createTitle(); } createButton(); } } function updateTitle(content, reposition) { var elem = elements.title; // Make sure tooltip is rendered and if not, return if(!self.rendered || !content) { return FALSE; } // Use function to parse content if($.isFunction(content)) { content = content.call(target, cache.event, self); } // Remove title if callback returns false if(content === FALSE) { return removeTitle(FALSE); } // Append new content if its a DOM array and show it if hidden else if(content.jquery && content.length > 0) { elem.empty().append(content.css({ display: 'block' })); } // Content is a regular string, insert the new content else { elem.html(content); } // Redraw and reposition self.redraw(); if(reposition !== FALSE && self.rendered && tooltip.is(':visible')) { self.reposition(cache.event); } } function updateContent(content, reposition) { var elem = elements.content; // Make sure tooltip is rendered and content is defined. If not return if(!self.rendered || !content) { return FALSE; } // Use function to parse content if($.isFunction(content)) { content = content.call(target, cache.event, self) || ''; } // Append new content if its a DOM array and show it if hidden if(content.jquery && content.length > 0) { elem.empty().append(content.css({ display: 'block' })); } // Content is a regular string, insert the new content else { elem.html(content); } // Image detection function detectImages(next) { var images, srcs = {}; function imageLoad(image) { // Clear src from object and any timers and events associated with the image if(image) { delete srcs[image.src]; clearTimeout(self.timers.img[image.src]); $(image).unbind(namespace); } // If queue is empty after image removal, update tooltip and continue the queue if($.isEmptyObject(srcs)) { self.redraw(); if(reposition !== FALSE) { self.reposition(cache.event); } next(); } } // Find all content images without dimensions, and if no images were found, continue if((images = elem.find('img:not([height]):not([width])')).length === 0) { return imageLoad(); } // Apply timer to each image to poll for dimensions images.each(function(i, elem) { // Skip if the src is already present if(srcs[elem.src] !== undefined) { return; } (function timer(){ // When the dimensions are found, remove the image from the queue if(elem.height || elem.width) { return imageLoad(elem); } // Restart timer self.timers.img[elem.src] = setTimeout(timer, 700); }()); // Also apply regular load/error event handlers $(elem).bind('error'+namespace+' load'+namespace, function(){ imageLoad(this); }); // Store the src and element in our object srcs[elem.src] = elem; }); } /* * If we're still rendering... insert into 'fx' queue our image dimension * checker which will halt the showing of the tooltip until image dimensions * can be detected properly. */ if(self.rendered < 0) { tooltip.queue('fx', detectImages); } // We're fully rendered, so reset isDrawing flag and proceed without queue delay else { isDrawing = 0; detectImages($.noop); } return self; } function assignEvents() { var posOptions = options.position, targets = { show: options.show.target, hide: options.hide.target, viewport: $(posOptions.viewport), document: $(document), window: $(window) }, events = { show: $.trim('' + options.show.event).split(' '), hide: $.trim('' + options.hide.event).split(' ') }, IE6 = $.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) === 6; // Define show event method function showMethod(event) { if(tooltip.hasClass(disabled)) { return FALSE; } // If set, hide tooltip when inactive for delay period targets.show.trigger('qtip-'+id+'-inactive'); // Clear hide timers clearTimeout(self.timers.show); clearTimeout(self.timers.hide); // Start show timer var callback = function(){ self.toggle(TRUE, event); }; if(options.show.delay > 0) { self.timers.show = setTimeout(callback, options.show.delay); } else{ callback(); } } // Define hide method function hideMethod(event) { if(tooltip.hasClass(disabled) || isPositioning || isDrawing) { return FALSE; } // Check if new target was actually the tooltip element var relatedTarget = $(event.relatedTarget || event.target), ontoTooltip = relatedTarget.closest(selector)[0] === tooltip[0], ontoTarget = relatedTarget[0] === targets.show[0]; // Clear timers and stop animation queue clearTimeout(self.timers.show); clearTimeout(self.timers.hide); // Prevent hiding if tooltip is fixed and event target is the tooltip. Or if mouse positioning is enabled and cursor momentarily overlaps if((posOptions.target === 'mouse' && ontoTooltip) || (options.hide.fixed && ((/mouse(out|leave|move)/).test(event.type) && (ontoTooltip || ontoTarget)))) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return; } // If tooltip has displayed, start hide timer if(options.hide.delay > 0) { self.timers.hide = setTimeout(function(){ self.hide(event); }, options.hide.delay); } else{ self.hide(event); } } // Define inactive method function inactiveMethod(event) { if(tooltip.hasClass(disabled)) { return FALSE; } // Clear timer clearTimeout(self.timers.inactive); self.timers.inactive = setTimeout(function(){ self.hide(event); }, options.hide.inactive); } function repositionMethod(event) { if(tooltip.is(':visible')) { self.reposition(event); } } // On mouseenter/mouseleave... tooltip.bind('mouseenter'+namespace+' mouseleave'+namespace, function(event) { var state = event.type === 'mouseenter'; // Focus the tooltip on mouseenter (z-index stacking) if(state) { self.focus(event); } // Add hover class tooltip.toggleClass(hoverClass, state); }); // Enable hide.fixed if(options.hide.fixed) { // Add tooltip as a hide target targets.hide = targets.hide.add(tooltip); // Clear hide timer on tooltip hover to prevent it from closing tooltip.bind('mouseover'+namespace, function() { if(!tooltip.hasClass(disabled)) { clearTimeout(self.timers.hide); } }); } // If using mouseout/mouseleave as a hide event... if(/mouse(out|leave)/i.test(options.hide.event)) { // Hide tooltips when leaving current window/frame (but not select/option elements) if(options.hide.leave === 'window') { targets.window.bind('mouseout' + namespace, function(event) { if(/select|option/.test(event.target) && !event.relatedTarget) { self.hide(event); } }); } } /* * Make sure hoverIntent functions properly by using mouseleave to clear show timer if * mouseenter/mouseout is used for show.event, even if it isn't in the users options. */ else if(/mouse(over|enter)/i.test(options.show.event)) { targets.hide.bind('mouseleave'+namespace, function(event) { clearTimeout(self.timers.show); }); } // Hide tooltip on document mousedown if unfocus events are enabled if(('' + options.hide.event).indexOf('unfocus') > -1) { targets.document.bind('mousedown'+namespace, function(event) { var $target = $(event.target), enabled = !tooltip.hasClass(disabled) && tooltip.is(':visible'); if($target[0] !== tooltip[0] && $target.parents(selector).length === 0 && $target.add(target).length > 1) { self.hide(event); } }); } // Check if the tooltip hides when inactive if('number' === typeof options.hide.inactive) { // Bind inactive method to target as a custom event targets.show.bind('qtip-'+id+'-inactive', inactiveMethod); // Define events which reset the 'inactive' event handler $.each(QTIP.inactiveEvents, function(index, type){ targets.hide.add(elements.tooltip).bind(type+namespace+'-inactive', inactiveMethod); }); } // Apply hide events $.each(events.hide, function(index, type) { var showIndex = $.inArray(type, events.show), targetHide = $(targets.hide); // Both events and targets are identical, apply events using a toggle if((showIndex > -1 && targetHide.add(targets.show).length === targetHide.length) || type === 'unfocus') { targets.show.bind(type+namespace, function(event) { if(tooltip.is(':visible')) { hideMethod(event); } else { showMethod(event); } }); // Don't bind the event again delete events.show[ showIndex ]; } // Events are not identical, bind normally else { targets.hide.bind(type+namespace, hideMethod); } }); // Apply show events $.each(events.show, function(index, type) { targets.show.bind(type+namespace, showMethod); }); // Check if the tooltip hides when mouse is moved a certain distance if('number' === typeof options.hide.distance) { // Bind mousemove to target to detect distance difference targets.show.add(tooltip).bind('mousemove'+namespace, function(event) { var origin = cache.origin || {}, limit = options.hide.distance, abs = Math.abs; // Check if the movement has gone beyond the limit, and hide it if so if(abs(event.pageX - origin.pageX) >= limit || abs(event.pageY - origin.pageY) >= limit) { self.hide(event); } }); } // Mouse positioning events if(posOptions.target === 'mouse') { // Cache mousemove coords on show targets targets.show.bind('mousemove'+namespace, function(event) { MOUSE = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, type: 'mousemove' }; }); // If mouse adjustment is on... if(posOptions.adjust.mouse) { // Apply a mouseleave event so we don't get problems with overlapping if(options.hide.event) { tooltip.bind('mouseleave'+namespace, function(event) { if((event.relatedTarget || event.target) !== targets.show[0]) { self.hide(event); } }); } // Update tooltip position on mousemove targets.document.bind('mousemove'+namespace, function(event) { // Update the tooltip position only if the tooltip is visible and adjustment is enabled if(!tooltip.hasClass(disabled) && tooltip.is(':visible')) { self.reposition(event || MOUSE); } }); } } // Adjust positions of the tooltip on window resize if enabled if(posOptions.adjust.resize || targets.viewport.length) { ($.event.special.resize ? targets.viewport : targets.window).bind('resize'+namespace, repositionMethod); } // Adjust tooltip position on scroll if screen adjustment is enabled if(targets.viewport.length || (IE6 && tooltip.css('position') === 'fixed')) { targets.viewport.bind('scroll'+namespace, repositionMethod); } } function unassignEvents() { var targets = [ options.show.target[0], options.hide.target[0], self.rendered && elements.tooltip[0], options.position.container[0], options.position.viewport[0], window, document ]; // Check if tooltip is rendered if(self.rendered) { $([]).pushStack( $.grep(targets, function(i){ return typeof i === 'object'; }) ).unbind(namespace); } // Tooltip isn't yet rendered, remove render event else { options.show.target.unbind(namespace+'-create'); } } // Setup builtin .set() option checks self.checks.builtin = { // Core checks '^id$': function(obj, o, v) { var id = v === TRUE ? QTIP.nextid : v, tooltipID = uitooltip + '-' + id; if(id !== FALSE && id.length > 0 && !$('#'+tooltipID).length) { tooltip[0].id = tooltipID; elements.content[0].id = tooltipID + '-content'; elements.title[0].id = tooltipID + '-title'; } }, // Content checks '^content.text$': function(obj, o, v){ updateContent(v); }, '^content.title.text$': function(obj, o, v) { // Remove title if content is null if(!v) { return removeTitle(); } // If title isn't already created, create it now and update if(!elements.title && v) { createTitle(); } updateTitle(v); }, '^content.title.button$': function(obj, o, v){ updateButton(v); }, // Position checks '^position.(my|at)$': function(obj, o, v){ // Parse new corner value into Corner objecct if('string' === typeof v) { obj[o] = new PLUGINS.Corner(v); } }, '^position.container$': function(obj, o, v){ if(self.rendered) { tooltip.appendTo(v); } }, // Show checks '^show.ready$': function() { if(!self.rendered) { self.render(1); } else { self.toggle(TRUE); } }, // Style checks '^style.classes$': function(obj, o, v) { tooltip.attr('class', uitooltip + ' qtip ui-helper-reset ' + v); }, '^style.widget|content.title': setWidget, // Events check '^events.(render|show|move|hide|focus|blur)$': function(obj, o, v) { tooltip[($.isFunction(v) ? '' : 'un') + 'bind']('tooltip'+o, v); }, // Properties which require event reassignment '^(show|hide|position).(event|target|fixed|inactive|leave|distance|viewport|adjust)': function() { var posOptions = options.position; // Set tracking flag tooltip.attr('tracking', posOptions.target === 'mouse' && posOptions.adjust.mouse); // Reassign events unassignEvents(); assignEvents(); } }; /* * Public API methods */ $.extend(self, { render: function(show) { if(self.rendered) { return self; } // If tooltip has already been rendered, exit var title = options.content.title.text, posOptions = options.position, callback = $.Event('tooltiprender'); // Add ARIA attributes to target $.attr(target[0], 'aria-describedby', tooltipID); // Create tooltip element tooltip = elements.tooltip = $('
', { 'id': tooltipID, 'class': uitooltip + ' qtip ui-helper-reset ' + defaultClass + ' ' + options.style.classes, 'width': options.style.width || '', 'height': options.style.height || '', 'tracking': posOptions.target === 'mouse' && posOptions.adjust.mouse, /* ARIA specific attributes */ 'role': 'alert', 'aria-live': 'polite', 'aria-atomic': FALSE, 'aria-describedby': tooltipID + '-content', 'aria-hidden': TRUE }) .toggleClass(disabled, cache.disabled) .data('qtip', self) .appendTo(options.position.container) .append( // Create content element elements.content = $('
', { 'class': uitooltip + '-content', 'id': tooltipID + '-content', 'aria-atomic': TRUE }) ); // Set rendered flag and prevent redundant redraw/reposition calls for now self.rendered = -1; isDrawing = 1; isPositioning = 1; // Update title if(title) { createTitle(); updateTitle(title, FALSE); } // Set proper rendered flag and update content updateContent(options.content.text, FALSE); self.rendered = TRUE; // Setup widget classes setWidget(); // Assign passed event callbacks (before plugins!) $.each(options.events, function(name, callback) { if($.isFunction(callback)) { tooltip.bind(name === 'toggle' ? 'tooltipshow tooltiphide' : 'tooltip'+name, callback); } }); // Initialize 'render' plugins $.each(PLUGINS, function() { if(this.initialize === 'render') { this(self); } }); // Assign events assignEvents(); /* Queue this part of the render process in our fx queue so we can * load images before the tooltip renders fully. * * See: updateContent method */ tooltip.queue('fx', function(next) { // Trigger tooltiprender event and pass original triggering event as original callback.originalEvent = cache.event; tooltip.trigger(callback, [self]); // Reset flags isDrawing = 0; isPositioning = 0; // Redraw the tooltip manually now we're fully rendered self.redraw(); // Show tooltip if needed if(options.show.ready || show) { self.toggle(TRUE, cache.event); } next(); // Move on to next method in queue }); return self; }, get: function(notation) { var result, o; switch(notation.toLowerCase()) { case 'dimensions': result = { height: tooltip.outerHeight(), width: tooltip.outerWidth() }; break; case 'offset': result = PLUGINS.offset(tooltip, options.position.container); break; default: o = convertNotation(notation.toLowerCase()); result = o[0][ o[1] ]; result = result.precedance ? result.string() : result; break; } return result; }, set: function(option, value) { var rmove = /^position\.(my|at|adjust|target|container)|style|content|show\.ready/i, rdraw = /^content\.(title|attr)|style/i, reposition = FALSE, redraw = FALSE, checks = self.checks, name; function callback(notation, args) { var category, rule, match; for(category in checks) { for(rule in checks[category]) { if(match = (new RegExp(rule, 'i')).exec(notation)) { args.push(match); checks[category][rule].apply(self, args); } } } } // Convert singular option/value pair into object form if('string' === typeof option) { name = option; option = {}; option[name] = value; } else { option = $.extend(TRUE, {}, option); } // Set all of the defined options to their new values $.each(option, function(notation, value) { var obj = convertNotation( notation.toLowerCase() ), previous; // Set new obj value previous = obj[0][ obj[1] ]; obj[0][ obj[1] ] = 'object' === typeof value && value.nodeType ? $(value) : value; // Set the new params for the callback option[notation] = [obj[0], obj[1], value, previous]; // Also check if we need to reposition / redraw reposition = rmove.test(notation) || reposition; redraw = rdraw.test(notation) || redraw; }); // Re-sanitize options sanitizeOptions(options); /* * Execute any valid callbacks for the set options * Also set isPositioning/isDrawing so we don't get loads of redundant repositioning * and redraw calls. */ isPositioning = isDrawing = 1; $.each(option, callback); isPositioning = isDrawing = 0; // Update position / redraw if needed if(tooltip.is(':visible') && self.rendered) { if(reposition) { self.reposition( options.position.target === 'mouse' ? NULL : cache.event ); } if(redraw) { self.redraw(); } } return self; }, toggle: function(state, event) { // Make sure tooltip is rendered if(!self.rendered) { if(state) { self.render(1); } // Render the tooltip if showing and it isn't already else { return self; } } var type = state ? 'show' : 'hide', opts = options[type], visible = tooltip.is(':visible'), sameTarget = !event || options[type].target.length < 2 || cache.target[0] === event.target, posOptions = options.position, contentOptions = options.content, delay, callback; // Detect state if valid one isn't provided if((typeof state).search('boolean|number')) { state = !visible; } // Return if element is already in correct state if(!tooltip.is(':animated') && visible === state && sameTarget) { return self; } // Try to prevent flickering when tooltip overlaps show element if(event) { if((/over|enter/).test(event.type) && (/out|leave/).test(cache.event.type) && event.target === options.show.target[0] && tooltip.has(event.relatedTarget).length) { return self; } // Cache event cache.event = $.extend({}, event); } // Call API methods callback = $.Event('tooltip'+type); callback.originalEvent = event ? cache.event : NULL; tooltip.trigger(callback, [self, 90]); if(callback.isDefaultPrevented()){ return self; } // Set ARIA hidden status attribute $.attr(tooltip[0], 'aria-hidden', !!!state); // Execute state specific properties if(state) { // Store show origin coordinates cache.origin = $.extend({}, MOUSE); // Focus the tooltip self.focus(event); // Update tooltip content & title if it's a dynamic function if($.isFunction(contentOptions.text)) { updateContent(contentOptions.text, FALSE); } if($.isFunction(contentOptions.title.text)) { updateTitle(contentOptions.title.text, FALSE); } // Cache mousemove events for positioning purposes (if not already tracking) if(!trackingBound && posOptions.target === 'mouse' && posOptions.adjust.mouse) { $(document).bind('mousemove.qtip', function(event) { MOUSE = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, type: 'mousemove' }; }); trackingBound = TRUE; } // Update the tooltip position self.reposition(event); // Hide other tooltips if tooltip is solo, using it as the context if(opts.solo) { $(selector, opts.solo).not(tooltip).qtip('hide', callback); } } else { // Clear show timer if we're hiding clearTimeout(self.timers.show); // Remove cached origin on hide delete cache.origin; // Remove mouse tracking event if not needed (all tracking qTips are hidden) if(trackingBound && !$(selector+'[tracking="true"]:visible', opts.solo).not(tooltip).length) { $(document).unbind('mousemove.qtip'); trackingBound = FALSE; } // Blur the tooltip self.blur(event); } // Define post-animation, state specific properties function after() { if(state) { // Prevent antialias from disappearing in IE by removing filter if($.browser.msie) { tooltip[0].style.removeAttribute('filter'); } // Remove overflow setting to prevent tip bugs tooltip.css('overflow', ''); // Autofocus elements if enabled if('string' === typeof opts.autofocus) { $(opts.autofocus, tooltip).focus(); } // Call API method callback = $.Event('tooltipvisible'); callback.originalEvent = event ? cache.event : NULL; tooltip.trigger(callback, [self]); } else { // Reset CSS states tooltip.css({ display: '', visibility: '', opacity: '', left: '', top: '' }); } } // Clear animation queue if same target if(sameTarget) { tooltip.stop(0, 1); } // If no effect type is supplied, use a simple toggle if(opts.effect === FALSE) { tooltip[ type ](); after.call(tooltip); } // Use custom function if provided else if($.isFunction(opts.effect)) { opts.effect.call(tooltip, self); tooltip.queue('fx', function(n){ after(); n(); }); } // Use basic fade function by default else { tooltip.fadeTo(90, state ? 1 : 0, after); } // If inactive hide method is set, active it if(state) { opts.target.trigger('qtip-'+id+'-inactive'); } return self; }, show: function(event){ return self.toggle(TRUE, event); }, hide: function(event){ return self.toggle(FALSE, event); }, focus: function(event) { if(!self.rendered) { return self; } var qtips = $(selector), curIndex = parseInt(tooltip[0].style.zIndex, 10), newIndex = QTIP.zindex + qtips.length, cachedEvent = $.extend({}, event), focusedElem, callback; // Only update the z-index if it has changed and tooltip is not already focused if(!tooltip.hasClass(focusClass)) { // Call API method callback = $.Event('tooltipfocus'); callback.originalEvent = cachedEvent; tooltip.trigger(callback, [self, newIndex]); // If default action wasn't prevented... if(!callback.isDefaultPrevented()) { // Only update z-index's if they've changed if(curIndex !== newIndex) { // Reduce our z-index's and keep them properly ordered qtips.each(function() { if(this.style.zIndex > curIndex) { this.style.zIndex = this.style.zIndex - 1; } }); // Fire blur event for focused tooltip qtips.filter('.' + focusClass).qtip('blur', cachedEvent); } // Set the new z-index tooltip.addClass(focusClass)[0].style.zIndex = newIndex; } } return self; }, blur: function(event) { var cachedEvent = $.extend({}, event), callback; // Set focused status to FALSE tooltip.removeClass(focusClass); // Trigger blur event callback = $.Event('tooltipblur'); callback.originalEvent = cachedEvent; tooltip.trigger(callback, [self]); return self; }, reposition: function(event, effect) { if(!self.rendered || isPositioning) { return self; } // Set positioning flag isPositioning = 1; var target = options.position.target, posOptions = options.position, my = posOptions.my, at = posOptions.at, adjust = posOptions.adjust, method = adjust.method.split(' '), elemWidth = tooltip.outerWidth(), elemHeight = tooltip.outerHeight(), targetWidth = 0, targetHeight = 0, callback = $.Event('tooltipmove'), fixed = tooltip.css('position') === 'fixed', viewport = posOptions.viewport, position = { left: 0, top: 0 }, tip = self.plugins.tip, readjust = { // Repositioning method and axis detection horizontal: method[0], vertical: method[1] || method[0], // Reposition methods left: function(posLeft) { var isShift = readjust.horizontal === 'shift', viewportScroll = viewport.offset.left + viewport.scrollLeft, myWidth = my.x === 'left' ? elemWidth : my.x === 'right' ? -elemWidth : -elemWidth / 2, atWidth = at.x === 'left' ? targetWidth : at.x === 'right' ? -targetWidth : -targetWidth / 2, tipWidth = tip && tip.size ? tip.size.width || 0 : 0, tipAdjust = tip && tip.corner && tip.corner.precedance === 'x' && !isShift ? tipWidth : 0, overflowLeft = viewportScroll - posLeft + tipAdjust, overflowRight = posLeft + elemWidth - viewport.width - viewportScroll + tipAdjust, offset = myWidth - (my.precedance === 'x' || my.x === my.y ? atWidth : 0), isCenter = my.x === 'center'; // Optional 'shift' style repositioning if(isShift) { tipAdjust = tip && tip.corner && tip.corner.precedance === 'y' ? tipWidth : 0; offset = (my.x === 'left' ? 1 : -1) * myWidth - tipAdjust; // Adjust position but keep it within viewport dimensions position.left += overflowLeft > 0 ? overflowLeft : overflowRight > 0 ? -overflowRight : 0; position.left = Math.max( viewport.offset.left + (tipAdjust && tip.corner.x === 'center' ? tip.offset : 0), posLeft - offset, Math.min( Math.max(viewport.offset.left + viewport.width, posLeft + offset), position.left ) ); } // Default 'flip' repositioning else { if(overflowLeft > 0 && (my.x !== 'left' || overflowRight > 0)) { position.left -= offset + (isCenter ? 0 : 2 * adjust.x); } else if(overflowRight > 0 && (my.x !== 'right' || overflowLeft > 0) ) { position.left -= isCenter ? -offset : offset + (2 * adjust.x); } if(position.left !== posLeft && isCenter) { position.left -= adjust.x; } // Make sure we haven't made things worse with the adjustment and return the adjusted difference if(position.left < viewportScroll && -position.left > overflowRight) { position.left = posLeft; } } return position.left - posLeft; }, top: function(posTop) { var isShift = readjust.vertical === 'shift', viewportScroll = viewport.offset.top + viewport.scrollTop, myHeight = my.y === 'top' ? elemHeight : my.y === 'bottom' ? -elemHeight : -elemHeight / 2, atHeight = at.y === 'top' ? targetHeight : at.y === 'bottom' ? -targetHeight : -targetHeight / 2, tipHeight = tip && tip.size ? tip.size.height || 0 : 0, tipAdjust = tip && tip.corner && tip.corner.precedance === 'y' && !isShift ? tipHeight : 0, overflowTop = viewportScroll - posTop + tipAdjust, overflowBottom = posTop + elemHeight - viewport.height - viewportScroll + tipAdjust, offset = myHeight - (my.precedance === 'y' || my.x === my.y ? atHeight : 0), isCenter = my.y === 'center'; // Optional 'shift' style repositioning if(isShift) { tipAdjust = tip && tip.corner && tip.corner.precedance === 'x' ? tipHeight : 0; offset = (my.y === 'top' ? 1 : -1) * myHeight - tipAdjust; // Adjust position but keep it within viewport dimensions position.top += overflowTop > 0 ? overflowTop : overflowBottom > 0 ? -overflowBottom : 0; position.top = Math.max( viewport.offset.top + (tipAdjust && tip.corner.x === 'center' ? tip.offset : 0), posTop - offset, Math.min( Math.max(viewport.offset.top + viewport.height, posTop + offset), position.top ) ); } // Default 'flip' repositioning else { if(overflowTop > 0 && (my.y !== 'top' || overflowBottom > 0)) { position.top -= offset + (isCenter ? 0 : 2 * adjust.y); } else if(overflowBottom > 0 && (my.y !== 'bottom' || overflowTop > 0) ) { position.top -= isCenter ? -offset : offset + (2 * adjust.y); } if(position.top !== posTop && isCenter) { position.top -= adjust.y; } // Make sure we haven't made things worse with the adjustment and return the adjusted difference if(position.top < 0 && -position.top > overflowBottom) { position.top = posTop; } } return position.top - posTop; } }; // Check if absolute position was passed if($.isArray(target) && target.length === 2) { // Force left top and set position at = { x: 'left', y: 'top' }; position = { left: target[0], top: target[1] }; } // Check if mouse was the target else if(target === 'mouse' && ((event && event.pageX) || cache.event.pageX)) { // Force left top to allow flipping at = { x: 'left', y: 'top' }; // Use cached event if one isn't available for positioning event = (event && (event.type === 'resize' || event.type === 'scroll') ? cache.event : event && event.pageX && event.type === 'mousemove' ? event : MOUSE && MOUSE.pageX && (adjust.mouse || !event || !event.pageX) ? { pageX: MOUSE.pageX, pageY: MOUSE.pageY } : !adjust.mouse && cache.origin && cache.origin.pageX ? cache.origin : event) || event || cache.event || MOUSE || {}; // Use event coordinates for position position = { top: event.pageY, left: event.pageX }; } // Target wasn't mouse or absolute... else { // Check if event targetting is being used if(target === 'event') { if(event && event.target && event.type !== 'scroll' && event.type !== 'resize') { target = cache.target = $(event.target); } else { target = cache.target; } } else { cache.target = $(target); } // Parse the target into a jQuery object and make sure there's an element present target = $(target).eq(0); if(target.length === 0) { return self; } // Check if window or document is the target else if(target[0] === document || target[0] === window) { targetWidth = PLUGINS.iOS ? window.innerWidth : target.width(); targetHeight = PLUGINS.iOS ? window.innerHeight : target.height(); if(target[0] === window) { position = { top: !fixed || PLUGINS.iOS ? (viewport || target).scrollTop() : 0, left: !fixed || PLUGINS.iOS ? (viewport || target).scrollLeft() : 0 }; } } // Use Imagemap/SVG plugins if needed else if(target.is('area') && PLUGINS.imagemap) { position = PLUGINS.imagemap(target, at); } else if(target[0].namespaceURI === 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' && PLUGINS.svg) { position = PLUGINS.svg(target, at); } else { targetWidth = target.outerWidth(); targetHeight = target.outerHeight(); position = PLUGINS.offset(target, posOptions.container, fixed); } // Parse returned plugin values into proper variables if(position.offset) { targetWidth = position.width; targetHeight = position.height; position = position.offset; } // Adjust position relative to target position.left += at.x === 'right' ? targetWidth : at.x === 'center' ? targetWidth / 2 : 0; position.top += at.y === 'bottom' ? targetHeight : at.y === 'center' ? targetHeight / 2 : 0; } // Adjust position relative to tooltip position.left += adjust.x + (my.x === 'right' ? -elemWidth : my.x === 'center' ? -elemWidth / 2 : 0); position.top += adjust.y + (my.y === 'bottom' ? -elemHeight : my.y === 'center' ? -elemHeight / 2 : 0); // Calculate collision offset values if viewport positioning is enabled if(viewport.jquery && target[0] !== window && target[0] !== docBody && readjust.vertical+readjust.horizontal !== 'nonenone') { // Cache our viewport details viewport = { elem: viewport, height: viewport[ (viewport[0] === window ? 'h' : 'outerH') + 'eight' ](), width: viewport[ (viewport[0] === window ? 'w' : 'outerW') + 'idth' ](), scrollLeft: fixed ? 0 : viewport.scrollLeft(), scrollTop: fixed ? 0 : viewport.scrollTop(), offset: viewport.offset() || { left: 0, top: 0 } }; // Adjust position based onviewport and adjustment options position.adjusted = { left: readjust.horizontal !== 'none' ? readjust.left(position.left) : 0, top: readjust.vertical !== 'none' ? readjust.top(position.top) : 0 }; } //Viewport adjustment is disabled, set values to zero else { position.adjusted = { left: 0, top: 0 }; } // Set tooltip position class tooltip.attr('class', function(i, val) { return $.attr(this, 'class').replace(/ui-tooltip-pos-\w+/i, ''); }) .addClass(uitooltip + '-pos-' + my.abbreviation()); // Call API method callback.originalEvent = $.extend({}, event); tooltip.trigger(callback, [self, position, viewport.elem || viewport]); if(callback.isDefaultPrevented()){ return self; } delete position.adjusted; // If effect is disabled, target it mouse, no animation is defined or positioning gives NaN out, set CSS directly if(effect === FALSE || isNaN(position.left) || isNaN(position.top) || target === 'mouse' || !$.isFunction(posOptions.effect)) { tooltip.css(position); } // Use custom function if provided else if($.isFunction(posOptions.effect)) { posOptions.effect.call(tooltip, self, $.extend({}, position)); tooltip.queue(function(next) { // Reset attributes to avoid cross-browser rendering bugs $(this).css({ opacity: '', height: '' }); if($.browser.msie) { this.style.removeAttribute('filter'); } next(); }); } // Set positioning flag isPositioning = 0; return self; }, // Max/min width simulator function for all browsers.. yeaaah! redraw: function() { if(self.rendered < 1 || isDrawing) { return self; } var container = options.position.container, perc, width, max, min; // Set drawing flag isDrawing = 1; // If tooltip has a set height, just set it... like a boss! if(options.style.height) { tooltip.css('height', options.style.height); } // If tooltip has a set width, just set it... like a boss! if(options.style.width) { tooltip.css('width', options.style.width); } // Otherwise simualte max/min width... else { // Reset width and add fluid class tooltip.css('width', '').addClass(fluidClass); // Grab our tooltip width (add 1 so we don't get wrapping problems.. huzzah!) width = tooltip.width() + 1; // Grab our max/min properties max = tooltip.css('max-width') || ''; min = tooltip.css('min-width') || ''; // Parse into proper pixel values perc = (max + min).indexOf('%') > -1 ? container.width() / 100 : 0; max = ((max.indexOf('%') > -1 ? perc : 1) * parseInt(max, 10)) || width; min = ((min.indexOf('%') > -1 ? perc : 1) * parseInt(min, 10)) || 0; // Determine new dimension size based on max/min/current values width = max + min ? Math.min(Math.max(width, min), max) : width; // Set the newly calculated width and remvoe fluid class tooltip.css('width', Math.round(width)).removeClass(fluidClass); } // Set drawing flag isDrawing = 0; return self; }, disable: function(state) { if('boolean' !== typeof state) { state = !(tooltip.hasClass(disabled) || cache.disabled); } if(self.rendered) { tooltip.toggleClass(disabled, state); $.attr(tooltip[0], 'aria-disabled', state); } else { cache.disabled = !!state; } return self; }, enable: function() { return self.disable(FALSE); }, destroy: function() { var t = target[0], title = $.attr(t, oldtitle); // Destroy tooltip and any associated plugins if rendered if(self.rendered) { tooltip.remove(); $.each(self.plugins, function() { if(this.destroy) { this.destroy(); } }); } // Clear timers and remove bound events clearTimeout(self.timers.show); clearTimeout(self.timers.hide); unassignEvents(); // Remove api object $.removeData(t, 'qtip'); // Reset old title attribute if removed if(options.suppress && title) { $.attr(t, 'title', title); target.removeAttr(oldtitle); } // Remove ARIA attributes and bound qtip events target.removeAttr('aria-describedby').unbind('.qtip'); // Remove ID from sued id object delete usedIDs[self.id]; return target; } }); } // Initialization method function init(id, opts) { var obj, posOptions, attr, config, title, // Setup element references elem = $(this), docBody = $(document.body), // Use document body instead of document element if needed newTarget = this === document ? docBody : elem, // Grab metadata from element if plugin is present metadata = (elem.metadata) ? elem.metadata(opts.metadata) : NULL, // If metadata type if HTML5, grab 'name' from the object instead, or use the regular data object otherwise metadata5 = opts.metadata.type === 'html5' && metadata ? metadata[opts.metadata.name] : NULL, // Grab data from metadata.name (or data-qtipopts as fallback) using .data() method, html5 = elem.data(opts.metadata.name || 'qtipopts'); // If we don't get an object returned attempt to parse it manualyl without parseJSON try { html5 = typeof html5 === 'string' ? (new Function("return " + html5))() : html5; } catch(e) { log('Unable to parse HTML5 attribute data: ' + html5); } // Merge in and sanitize metadata config = $.extend(TRUE, {}, QTIP.defaults, opts, typeof html5 === 'object' ? sanitizeOptions(html5) : NULL, sanitizeOptions(metadata5 || metadata)); // Re-grab our positioning options now we've merged our metadata and set id to passed value posOptions = config.position; config.id = id; // Setup missing content if none is detected if('boolean' === typeof config.content.text) { attr = elem.attr(config.content.attr); // Grab from supplied attribute if available if(config.content.attr !== FALSE && attr) { config.content.text = attr; } // No valid content was found, abort render else { log('Unable to locate content for tooltip! Aborting render of tooltip on element: ', elem); return FALSE; } } // Setup target options if(posOptions.container === FALSE) { posOptions.container = docBody; } if(posOptions.target === FALSE) { posOptions.target = newTarget; } if(config.show.target === FALSE) { config.show.target = newTarget; } if(config.show.solo === TRUE) { config.show.solo = docBody; } if(config.hide.target === FALSE) { config.hide.target = newTarget; } if(config.position.viewport === TRUE) { config.position.viewport = posOptions.container; } // Convert position corner values into x and y strings posOptions.at = new PLUGINS.Corner(posOptions.at); posOptions.my = new PLUGINS.Corner(posOptions.my); // Destroy previous tooltip if overwrite is enabled, or skip element if not if($.data(this, 'qtip')) { if(config.overwrite) { elem.qtip('destroy'); } else if(config.overwrite === FALSE) { return FALSE; } } // Remove title attribute and store it if present if(config.suppress && (title = $.attr(this, 'title'))) { $(this).removeAttr('title').attr(oldtitle, title); } // Initialize the tooltip and add API reference obj = new QTip(elem, config, id, !!attr); $.data(this, 'qtip', obj); // Catch remove events on target element to destroy redundant tooltip elem.bind('remove.qtip', function(){ obj.destroy(); }); return obj; } // jQuery $.fn extension method QTIP = $.fn.qtip = function(options, notation, newValue) { var command = ('' + options).toLowerCase(), // Parse command returned = NULL, args = command === 'disable' ? [TRUE] : $.makeArray(arguments).slice(1), event = args[args.length - 1], opts = this[0] ? $.data(this[0], 'qtip') : NULL; // Check for API request if((!arguments.length && opts) || command === 'api') { return opts; } // Execute API command if present else if('string' === typeof options) { this.each(function() { var api = $.data(this, 'qtip'); if(!api) { return TRUE; } // Cache the event if possible if(event && event.timeStamp) { api.cache.event = event; } // Check for specific API commands if((command === 'option' || command === 'options') && notation) { if($.isPlainObject(notation) || newValue !== undefined) { api.set(notation, newValue); } else { returned = api.get(notation); return FALSE; } } // Execute API command else if(api[command]) { api[command].apply(api[command], args); } }); return returned !== NULL ? returned : this; } // No API commands. validate provided options and setup qTips else if('object' === typeof options || !arguments.length) { opts = sanitizeOptions($.extend(TRUE, {}, options)); // Bind the qTips return QTIP.bind.call(this, opts, event); } }; // $.fn.qtip Bind method QTIP.bind = function(opts, event) { return this.each(function(i) { var options, targets, events, namespace, api, id; // Find next available ID, or use custom ID if provided id = $.isArray(opts.id) ? opts.id[i] : opts.id; id = !id || id === FALSE || id.length < 1 || usedIDs[id] ? QTIP.nextid++ : (usedIDs[id] = id); // Setup events namespace namespace = '.qtip-'+id+'-create'; // Initialize the qTip and re-grab newly sanitized options api = init.call(this, id, opts); if(api === FALSE) { return TRUE; } options = api.options; // Initialize plugins $.each(PLUGINS, function() { if(this.initialize === 'initialize') { this(api); } }); // Determine hide and show targets targets = { show: options.show.target, hide: options.hide.target }; events = { show: $.trim('' + options.show.event).replace(/ /g, namespace+' ') + namespace, hide: $.trim('' + options.hide.event).replace(/ /g, namespace+' ') + namespace }; /* * Make sure hoverIntent functions properly by using mouseleave as a hide event if * mouseenter/mouseout is used for show.event, even if it isn't in the users options. */ if(/mouse(over|enter)/i.test(events.show) && !/mouse(out|leave)/i.test(events.hide)) { events.hide += ' mouseleave' + namespace; } /* * Also make sure initial mouse targetting works correctly by caching mousemove coords * on show targets before the tooltip has rendered. */ targets.show.bind('mousemove'+namespace, function(event) { MOUSE = { pageX: event.pageX, pageY: event.pageY, type: 'mousemove' }; }); // Define hoverIntent function function hoverIntent(event) { function render() { // Cache mouse coords,render and render the tooltip api.render(typeof event === 'object' || options.show.ready); // Unbind show and hide events targets.show.add(targets.hide).unbind(namespace); } // Only continue if tooltip isn't disabled if(api.cache.disabled) { return FALSE; } // Cache the event data api.cache.event = $.extend({}, event); api.cache.target = event ? $(event.target) : [undefined]; // Start the event sequence if(options.show.delay > 0) { clearTimeout(api.timers.show); api.timers.show = setTimeout(render, options.show.delay); if(events.show !== events.hide) { targets.hide.bind(events.hide, function() { clearTimeout(api.timers.show); }); } } else { render(); } } // Bind show events to target targets.show.bind(events.show, hoverIntent); // Prerendering is enabled, create tooltip now if(options.show.ready || options.prerender) { hoverIntent(event); } }); }; // Setup base plugins PLUGINS = QTIP.plugins = { // Corner object parser Corner: function(corner) { corner = ('' + corner).replace(/([A-Z])/, ' $1').replace(/middle/gi, 'center').toLowerCase(); this.x = (corner.match(/left|right/i) || corner.match(/center/) || ['inherit'])[0].toLowerCase(); this.y = (corner.match(/top|bottom|center/i) || ['inherit'])[0].toLowerCase(); this.precedance = (corner.charAt(0).search(/^(t|b)/) > -1) ? 'y' : 'x'; this.string = function() { return this.precedance === 'y' ? this.y+this.x : this.x+this.y; }; this.abbreviation = function() { var x = this.x.substr(0,1), y = this.y.substr(0,1); return x === y ? x : (x === 'c' || (x !== 'c' && y !== 'c')) ? y + x : x + y; }; }, // Custom (more correct for qTip!) offset calculator offset: function(elem, container, fixed) { var pos = elem.offset(), parent = container, deep = 0, docBody = document.body, coffset; function scroll(e, i) { pos.left += i * e.scrollLeft(); pos.top += i * e.scrollTop(); } if(parent) { // Compensate for non-static containers offset do { if(parent.css('position') !== 'static') { coffset = parent[0] === docBody ? { left: parseInt(parent.css('left'), 10) || 0, top: parseInt(parent.css('top'), 10) || 0 } : parent.position(); pos.left -= coffset.left + (parseInt(parent.css('borderLeftWidth'), 10) || 0) + (parseInt(parent.css('marginLeft'), 10) || 0); pos.top -= coffset.top + (parseInt(parent.css('borderTopWidth'), 10) || 0); deep++; } if(parent[0] === docBody) { break; } } while(parent = parent.offsetParent()); // Compensate for containers scroll if it also has an offsetParent if(container[0] !== docBody && deep > 1) { scroll( container, 1 ); } // Adjust for position.fixed tooltips (and also iOS scroll bug in v3.2 - v4.0) if((PLUGINS.iOS < 4.1 && PLUGINS.iOS > 3.1) || (!PLUGINS.iOS && fixed)) { scroll( $(window), -1 ); } } return pos; }, /* * iOS 3.2 - 4.0 scroll fix detection used in offset() function. */ iOS: parseFloat( ('' + (/CPU.*OS ([0-9_]{1,3})|(CPU like).*AppleWebKit.*Mobile/i.exec(navigator.userAgent) || [0,''])[1]) .replace('undefined', '3_2').replace('_','.') ) || FALSE, /* * jQuery-specific $.fn overrides */ fn: { /* Allow other plugins to successfully retrieve the title of an element with a qTip applied */ attr: function(attr, val) { if(this.length) { var self = this[0], title = 'title', api = $.data(self, 'qtip'); if(attr === title && 'object' === typeof api && api.options.suppress) { if(arguments.length < 2) { return $.attr(self, oldtitle); } else { // If qTip is rendered and title was originally used as content, update it if(api && api.options.content.attr === title && api.cache.attr) { api.set('content.text', val); } // Use the regular attr method to set, then cache the result return this.attr(oldtitle, val); } } } return $.fn['attr'+replaceSuffix].apply(this, arguments); }, /* Allow clone to correctly retrieve cached title attributes */ clone: function(keepData) { var titles = $([]), title = 'title', // Clone our element using the real clone method elems = $.fn['clone'+replaceSuffix].apply(this, arguments); // Grab all elements with an oldtitle set, and change it to regular title attribute, if keepData is false if(!keepData) { elems.filter('['+oldtitle+']').attr('title', function() { return $.attr(this, oldtitle); }) .removeAttr(oldtitle); } return elems; }, /* * Taken directly from jQuery 1.8.2 widget source code * Trigger 'remove' event on all elements on removal if jQuery UI isn't present */ remove: $.ui ? NULL : function( selector, keepData ) { $(this).each(function() { if (!keepData) { if (!selector || $.filter( selector, [ this ] ).length) { $('*', this).add(this).each(function() { $(this).triggerHandler('remove'); }); } } }); } } }; // Apply the fn overrides above $.each(PLUGINS.fn, function(name, func) { if(!func) { return TRUE; } var old = $.fn[name+replaceSuffix] = $.fn[name]; $.fn[name] = function() { return func.apply(this, arguments) || old.apply(this, arguments); }; }); // Set global qTip properties QTIP.version = '2.0.0pre'; QTIP.nextid = 0; QTIP.inactiveEvents = 'click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseleave mouseenter'.split(' '); QTIP.zindex = 15000; // Define configuration defaults QTIP.defaults = { prerender: FALSE, id: FALSE, overwrite: TRUE, suppress: TRUE, content: { text: TRUE, attr: 'title', title: { text: FALSE, button: FALSE } }, position: { my: 'top left', at: 'bottom right', target: FALSE, container: FALSE, viewport: FALSE, adjust: { x: 0, y: 0, mouse: TRUE, resize: TRUE, method: 'flip flip' }, effect: function(api, pos, viewport) { $(this).animate(pos, { duration: 200, queue: FALSE }); } }, show: { target: FALSE, event: 'mouseenter', effect: TRUE, delay: 90, solo: FALSE, ready: FALSE, autofocus: FALSE }, hide: { target: FALSE, event: 'mouseleave', effect: TRUE, delay: 0, fixed: FALSE, inactive: FALSE, leave: 'window', distance: FALSE }, style: { classes: '', widget: FALSE, width: FALSE, height: FALSE }, events: { render: NULL, move: NULL, show: NULL, hide: NULL, toggle: NULL, visible: NULL, focus: NULL, blur: NULL } }; function Ajax(api) { var self = this, tooltip = api.elements.tooltip, opts = api.options.content.ajax, namespace = '.qtip-ajax', rscript = /)<[^<]*)*<\/script>/gi, first = TRUE; api.checks.ajax = { '^content.ajax': function(obj, name, v) { // If content.ajax object was reset, set our local var if(name === 'ajax') { opts = v; } if(name === 'once') { self.init(); } else if(opts && opts.url) { self.load(); } else { tooltip.unbind(namespace); } } }; $.extend(self, { init: function() { // Make sure ajax options are enabled and bind event if(opts && opts.url) { tooltip.unbind(namespace)[ opts.once ? 'one' : 'bind' ]('tooltipshow'+namespace, self.load); } return self; }, load: function(event, first) { // Make sure default event hasn't been prevented if(event && event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } var hasSelector = opts.url.indexOf(' '), url = opts.url, selector, hideFirst = opts.once && !opts.loading && first; // If loading option is disabled, hide the tooltip until content is retrieved (first time only) if(hideFirst) { tooltip.css('visibility', 'hidden'); } // Check if user delcared a content selector like in .load() if(hasSelector > -1) { selector = url.substr(hasSelector); url = url.substr(0, hasSelector); } // Define common after callback for both success/error handlers function after() { // Re-display tip if loading and first time, and reset first flag if(hideFirst) { tooltip.css('visibility', ''); first = FALSE; } // Call users complete if it was defined if($.isFunction(opts.complete)) { opts.complete.apply(this, arguments); } } // Define success handler function successHandler(content) { if(selector) { // Create a dummy div to hold the results and grab the selector element content = $('
') // inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts // to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE .append(content.replace(rscript, "")) // Locate the specified elements .find(selector); } // Set the content api.set('content.text', content); } // Error handler function errorHandler(xh, status, error){ api.set('content.text', status + ': ' + error); } // Setup $.ajax option object and process the request $.ajax( $.extend({ success: successHandler, error: errorHandler, context: api }, opts, { url: url, complete: after }) ); return self; } }); self.init(); } PLUGINS.ajax = function(api) { var self = api.plugins.ajax; return 'object' === typeof self ? self : (api.plugins.ajax = new Ajax(api)); }; PLUGINS.ajax.initialize = 'render'; // Setup plugin sanitization PLUGINS.ajax.sanitize = function(options) { var content = options.content, opts; if(content && 'ajax' in content) { opts = content.ajax; if(typeof opts !== 'object') { opts = options.content.ajax = { url: opts }; } if('boolean' !== typeof opts.once && opts.once) { opts.once = !!opts.once; } } }; // Extend original api defaults $.extend(TRUE, QTIP.defaults, { content: { ajax: { loading: TRUE, once: TRUE } } }); /* * BGIFrame adaption (http://plugins.jquery.com/project/bgiframe) * Special thanks to Brandon Aaron */ function BGIFrame(api) { var self = this, elems = api.elements, tooltip = elems.tooltip, namespace = '.bgiframe-' + api.id; $.extend(self, { init: function() { // Create the BGIFrame element elems.bgiframe = $(''); // Append the new element to the tooltip elems.bgiframe.appendTo(tooltip); // Update BGIFrame on tooltip move tooltip.bind('tooltipmove'+namespace, self.adjust); }, adjust: function() { var dimensions = api.get('dimensions'), // Determine current tooltip dimensions plugin = api.plugins.tip, tip = elems.tip, tipAdjust, offset; // Adjust border offset offset = parseInt(tooltip.css('border-left-width'), 10) || 0; offset = { left: -offset, top: -offset }; // Adjust for tips plugin if(plugin && tip) { tipAdjust = (plugin.corner.precedance === 'x') ? ['width', 'left'] : ['height', 'top']; offset[ tipAdjust[1] ] -= tip[ tipAdjust[0] ](); } // Update bgiframe elems.bgiframe.css(offset).css(dimensions); }, destroy: function() { // Remove iframe elems.bgiframe.remove(); // Remove bound events tooltip.unbind(namespace); } }); self.init(); } PLUGINS.bgiframe = function(api) { var browser = $.browser, self = api.plugins.bgiframe; // Proceed only if the browser is IE6 and offending elements are present if($('select, object').length < 1 || !(browser.msie && browser.version.charAt(0) === '6')) { return FALSE; } return 'object' === typeof self ? self : (api.plugins.bgiframe = new BGIFrame(api)); }; // Plugin needs to be initialized on render PLUGINS.bgiframe.initialize = 'render'; PLUGINS.imagemap = function(area, corner) { if(!area.jquery) { area = $(area); } var shape = area.attr('shape').toLowerCase(), baseCoords = area.attr('coords').split(','), coords = [], image = $('img[usemap="#'+area.parent('map').attr('name')+'"]'), imageOffset = image.offset(), result = { width: 0, height: 0, offset: { top: 1e10, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 1e10 } }, i = 0, next = 0; // POLY area coordinate calculator // Special thanks to Ed Cradock for helping out with this. // Uses a binary search algorithm to find suitable coordinates. function polyCoordinates(result, coords) { var i = 0, compareX = 1, compareY = 1, realX = 0, realY = 0, newWidth = result.width, newHeight = result.height; // Use a binary search algorithm to locate most suitable coordinate (hopefully) while(newWidth > 0 && newHeight > 0 && compareX > 0 && compareY > 0) { newWidth = Math.floor(newWidth / 2); newHeight = Math.floor(newHeight / 2); if(corner.x === 'left'){ compareX = newWidth; } else if(corner.x === 'right'){ compareX = result.width - newWidth; } else{ compareX += Math.floor(newWidth / 2); } if(corner.y === 'top'){ compareY = newHeight; } else if(corner.y === 'bottom'){ compareY = result.height - newHeight; } else{ compareY += Math.floor(newHeight / 2); } i = coords.length; while(i--) { if(coords.length < 2){ break; } realX = coords[i][0] - result.offset.left; realY = coords[i][1] - result.offset.top; if((corner.x === 'left' && realX >= compareX) || (corner.x === 'right' && realX <= compareX) || (corner.x === 'center' && (realX < compareX || realX > (result.width - compareX))) || (corner.y === 'top' && realY >= compareY) || (corner.y === 'bottom' && realY <= compareY) || (corner.y === 'center' && (realY < compareY || realY > (result.height - compareY)))) { coords.splice(i, 1); } } } return { left: coords[0][0], top: coords[0][1] }; } // Make sure we account for padding and borders on the image imageOffset.left += Math.ceil((image.outerWidth() - image.width()) / 2); imageOffset.top += Math.ceil((image.outerHeight() - image.height()) / 2); // Parse coordinates into proper array if(shape === 'poly') { i = baseCoords.length; while(i--) { next = [ parseInt(baseCoords[--i], 10), parseInt(baseCoords[i+1], 10) ]; if(next[0] > result.offset.right){ result.offset.right = next[0]; } if(next[0] < result.offset.left){ result.offset.left = next[0]; } if(next[1] > result.offset.bottom){ result.offset.bottom = next[1]; } if(next[1] < result.offset.top){ result.offset.top = next[1]; } coords.push(next); } } else { coords = $.map(baseCoords, function(coord){ return parseInt(coord, 10); }); } // Calculate details switch(shape) { case 'rect': result = { width: Math.abs(coords[2] - coords[0]), height: Math.abs(coords[3] - coords[1]), offset: { left: coords[0], top: coords[1] } }; break; case 'circle': result = { width: coords[2] + 2, height: coords[2] + 2, offset: { left: coords[0], top: coords[1] } }; break; case 'poly': $.extend(result, { width: Math.abs(result.offset.right - result.offset.left), height: Math.abs(result.offset.bottom - result.offset.top) }); if(corner.string() === 'centercenter') { result.offset = { left: result.offset.left + (result.width / 2), top: result.offset.top + (result.height / 2) }; } else { result.offset = polyCoordinates(result, coords.slice()); } result.width = result.height = 0; break; } // Add image position to offset coordinates result.offset.left += imageOffset.left; result.offset.top += imageOffset.top; return result; }; function Modal(api) { var self = this, options = api.options.show.modal, elems = api.elements, tooltip = elems.tooltip, overlaySelector = '#qtip-overlay', globalNamespace = '.qtipmodal', namespace = globalNamespace + api.id, attr = 'is-modal-qtip', docBody = $(document.body), overlay; // Setup option set checks api.checks.modal = { '^show.modal.(on|blur)$': function() { // Initialise self.init(); // Show the modal if not visible already and tooltip is visible elems.overlay.toggle( tooltip.is(':visible') ); } }; $.extend(self, { init: function() { // If modal is disabled... return if(!options.on) { return self; } // Create the overlay if needed overlay = self.create(); // Add unique attribute so we can grab modal tooltips easily via a selector tooltip.attr(attr, TRUE) .css('z-index', PLUGINS.modal.zindex + $(selector+'['+attr+']').length) // Remove previous bound events in globalNamespace .unbind(globalNamespace).unbind(namespace) // Apply our show/hide/focus modal events .bind('tooltipshow'+globalNamespace+' tooltiphide'+globalNamespace, function(event, api, duration) { var oEvent = event.originalEvent; // Make sure mouseout doesn't trigger a hide when showing the modal and mousing onto backdrop if(oEvent && event.type === 'tooltiphide' && /mouse(leave|enter)/.test(oEvent.type) && $(oEvent.relatedTarget).closest(overlay[0]).length) { event.preventDefault(); } else { self[ event.type.replace('tooltip', '') ](event, duration); } }) // Adjust modal z-index on tooltip focus .bind('tooltipfocus'+globalNamespace, function(event) { // If focus was cancelled before it reearch us, don't do anything if(event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; } var qtips = $(selector).filter('['+attr+']'), // Keep the modal's lower than other, regular qtips newIndex = PLUGINS.modal.zindex + qtips.length, curIndex = parseInt(tooltip[0].style.zIndex, 10); // Set overlay z-index overlay[0].style.zIndex = newIndex; // Reduce modal z-index's and keep them properly ordered qtips.each(function() { if(this.style.zIndex > curIndex) { this.style.zIndex -= 1; } }); // Fire blur event for focused tooltip qtips.end().filter('.' + focusClass).qtip('blur', event.originalEvent); // Set the new z-index tooltip.addClass(focusClass)[0].style.zIndex = newIndex; // Prevent default handling event.preventDefault(); }) // Focus any other visible modals when this one hides .bind('tooltiphide'+globalNamespace, function(event) { $('[' + attr + ']').filter(':visible').not(tooltip).last().qtip('focus', event); }); // Apply keyboard "Escape key" close handler if(options.escape) { $(window).unbind(namespace).bind('keydown'+namespace, function(event) { if(event.keyCode === 27 && tooltip.hasClass(focusClass)) { api.hide(event); } }); } // Apply click handler for blur option if(options.blur) { elems.overlay.unbind(namespace).bind('click'+namespace, function(event) { if(tooltip.hasClass(focusClass)) { api.hide(event); } }); } return self; }, create: function() { var elem = $(overlaySelector); // Return if overlay is already rendered if(elem.length) { elems.overlay = elem; return elem; } // Create document overlay overlay = elems.overlay = $('
', { id: overlaySelector.substr(1), html: '
', mousedown: function() { return FALSE; } }) .insertBefore( $(selector).first() ); // Update position on window resize or scroll $(window).unbind(globalNamespace).bind('resize'+globalNamespace, function() { overlay.css({ height: $(window).height(), width: $(window).width() }); }) .triggerHandler('resize'); return overlay; }, toggle: function(event, state, duration) { // Make sure default event hasn't been prevented if(event && event.isDefaultPrevented()) { return self; } var effect = options.effect, type = state ? 'show': 'hide', visible = overlay.is(':visible'), modals = $('[' + attr + ']').filter(':visible').not(tooltip), zindex; // Create our overlay if it isn't present already if(!overlay) { overlay = self.create(); } // Prevent modal from conflicting with show.solo, and don't hide backdrop is other modals are visible if((overlay.is(':animated') && visible === state) || (!state && modals.length)) { return self; } // State specific... if(state) { // Set position overlay.css({ left: 0, top: 0 }); // Toggle backdrop cursor style on show overlay.toggleClass('blurs', options.blur); // Make sure we can't focus anything outside the tooltip docBody.delegate('*', 'focusin'+namespace, function(event) { if($(event.target).closest(selector)[0] !== tooltip[0]) { $('a, :input, img', tooltip).add(tooltip).focus(); } }); } else { // Undelegate focus handler docBody.undelegate('*', 'focusin'+namespace); } // Stop all animations overlay.stop(TRUE, FALSE); // Use custom function if provided if($.isFunction(effect)) { effect.call(overlay, state); } // If no effect type is supplied, use a simple toggle else if(effect === FALSE) { overlay[ type ](); } // Use basic fade function else { overlay.fadeTo( parseInt(duration, 10) || 90, state ? 1 : 0, function() { if(!state) { $(this).hide(); } }); } // Reset position on hide if(!state) { overlay.queue(function(next) { overlay.css({ left: '', top: '' }); next(); }); } return self; }, show: function(event, duration) { return self.toggle(event, TRUE, duration); }, hide: function(event, duration) { return self.toggle(event, FALSE, duration); }, destroy: function() { var delBlanket = overlay; if(delBlanket) { // Check if any other modal tooltips are present delBlanket = $('[' + attr + ']').not(tooltip).length < 1; // Remove overlay if needed if(delBlanket) { elems.overlay.remove(); $(window).unbind(globalNamespace); } else { elems.overlay.unbind(globalNamespace+api.id); } // Undelegate focus handler docBody.undelegate('*', 'focusin'+namespace); } // Remove bound events return tooltip.removeAttr(attr).unbind(globalNamespace); } }); self.init(); } PLUGINS.modal = function(api) { var self = api.plugins.modal; return 'object' === typeof self ? self : (api.plugins.modal = new Modal(api)); }; // Plugin needs to be initialized on render PLUGINS.modal.initialize = 'render'; // Setup sanitiztion rules PLUGINS.modal.sanitize = function(opts) { if(opts.show) { if(typeof opts.show.modal !== 'object') { opts.show.modal = { on: !!opts.show.modal }; } else if(typeof opts.show.modal.on === 'undefined') { opts.show.modal.on = TRUE; } } }; // Base z-index for all modal tooltips (use qTip core z-index as a base) PLUGINS.modal.zindex = QTIP.zindex -= 200; // Extend original api defaults $.extend(TRUE, QTIP.defaults, { show: { modal: { on: FALSE, effect: TRUE, blur: TRUE, escape: TRUE } } }); PLUGINS.svg = function(svg, corner) { var doc = $(document), elem = svg[0], result = { width: 0, height: 0, offset: { top: 1e10, left: 1e10 } }, box, mtx, root, point, tPoint; if (elem.getBBox && elem.parentNode) { box = elem.getBBox(); mtx = elem.getScreenCTM(); root = elem.farthestViewportElement || elem; // Return if no method is found if(!root.createSVGPoint) { return result; } // Create our point var point = root.createSVGPoint(); // Adjust top and left point.x = box.x; point.y = box.y; tPoint = point.matrixTransform(mtx); result.offset.left = tPoint.x; result.offset.top = tPoint.y; // Adjust width and height point.x += box.width; point.y += box.height; tPoint = point.matrixTransform(mtx); result.width = tPoint.x - result.offset.left; result.height = tPoint.y - result.offset.top; // Adjust by scroll offset result.offset.left += doc.scrollLeft(); result.offset.top += doc.scrollTop(); } return result; }; // Tip coordinates calculator function calculateTip(corner, width, height) { var width2 = Math.ceil(width / 2), height2 = Math.ceil(height / 2), // Define tip coordinates in terms of height and width values tips = { bottomright: [[0,0], [width,height], [width,0]], bottomleft: [[0,0], [width,0], [0,height]], topright: [[0,height], [width,0], [width,height]], topleft: [[0,0], [0,height], [width,height]], topcenter: [[0,height], [width2,0], [width,height]], bottomcenter: [[0,0], [width,0], [width2,height]], rightcenter: [[0,0], [width,height2], [0,height]], leftcenter: [[width,0], [width,height], [0,height2]] }; // Set common side shapes tips.lefttop = tips.bottomright; tips.righttop = tips.bottomleft; tips.leftbottom = tips.topright; tips.rightbottom = tips.topleft; return tips[ corner.string() ]; } function Tip(qTip, command) { var self = this, opts = qTip.options.style.tip, elems = qTip.elements, tooltip = elems.tooltip, cache = { top: 0, left: 0, corner: '' }, size = { width: opts.width, height: opts.height }, color = { }, border = opts.border || 0, namespace = '.qtip-tip', hasCanvas = !!($('')[0] || {}).getContext; self.corner = NULL; self.mimic = NULL; self.border = border; self.offset = opts.offset; self.size = size; // Add new option checks for the plugin qTip.checks.tip = { '^position.my|style.tip.(corner|mimic|border)$': function() { // Make sure a tip can be drawn if(!self.init()) { self.destroy(); } // Reposition the tooltip qTip.reposition(); }, '^style.tip.(height|width)$': function() { // Re-set dimensions and redraw the tip size = { width: opts.width, height: opts.height }; self.create(); self.update(); // Reposition the tooltip qTip.reposition(); }, '^content.title.text|style.(classes|widget)$': function() { if(elems.tip) { self.update(); } } }; function reposition(event, api, pos, viewport) { if(!elems.tip) { return; } var newCorner = $.extend({}, self.corner), adjust = pos.adjusted, method = qTip.options.position.adjust.method.split(' '), horizontal = method[0], vertical = method[1] || method[0], shift = { left: FALSE, top: FALSE, x: 0, y: 0 }, offset, css = {}, props; // Make sure our tip position isn't fixed e.g. doesn't adjust with viewport if(self.corner.fixed !== TRUE) { // Horizontal - Shift or flip method if(horizontal === 'shift' && newCorner.precedance === 'x' && adjust.left && newCorner.y !== 'center') { newCorner.precedance = newCorner.precedance === 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'; } else if(horizontal === 'flip' && adjust.left){ newCorner.x = newCorner.x === 'center' ? (adjust.left > 0 ? 'left' : 'right') : (newCorner.x === 'left' ? 'right' : 'left'); } // Vertical - Shift or flip method if(vertical === 'shift' && newCorner.precedance === 'y' && adjust.top && newCorner.x !== 'center') { newCorner.precedance = newCorner.precedance === 'y' ? 'x' : 'y'; } else if(vertical === 'flip' && adjust.top) { newCorner.y = newCorner.y === 'center' ? (adjust.top > 0 ? 'top' : 'bottom') : (newCorner.y === 'top' ? 'bottom' : 'top'); } // Update and redraw the tip if needed (check cached details of last drawn tip) if(newCorner.string() !== cache.corner && (cache.top !== adjust.top || cache.left !== adjust.left)) { self.update(newCorner, FALSE); } } // Setup tip offset properties offset = self.position(newCorner, adjust); if(offset.right !== undefined) { offset.left = -offset.right; } if(offset.bottom !== undefined) { offset.top = -offset.bottom; } offset.user = Math.max(0, opts.offset); // Viewport "shift" specific adjustments if(shift.left = (horizontal === 'shift' && !!adjust.left)) { if(newCorner.x === 'center') { css['margin-left'] = shift.x = offset['margin-left'] - adjust.left; } else { props = offset.right !== undefined ? [ adjust.left, -offset.left ] : [ -adjust.left, offset.left ]; if( (shift.x = Math.max(props[0], props[1])) > props[0] ) { pos.left -= adjust.left; shift.left = FALSE; } css[ offset.right !== undefined ? 'right' : 'left' ] = shift.x; } } if(shift.top = (vertical === 'shift' && !!adjust.top)) { if(newCorner.y === 'center') { css['margin-top'] = shift.y = offset['margin-top'] - adjust.top; } else { props = offset.bottom !== undefined ? [ adjust.top, -offset.top ] : [ -adjust.top, offset.top ]; if( (shift.y = Math.max(props[0], props[1])) > props[0] ) { pos.top -= adjust.top; shift.top = FALSE; } css[ offset.bottom !== undefined ? 'bottom' : 'top' ] = shift.y; } } /* * If the tip is adjusted in both dimensions, or in a * direction that would cause it to be anywhere but the * outer border, hide it! */ elems.tip.css(css).toggle( !((shift.x && shift.y) || (newCorner.x === 'center' && shift.y) || (newCorner.y === 'center' && shift.x)) ); // Adjust position to accomodate tip dimensions pos.left -= offset.left.charAt ? offset.user : horizontal !== 'shift' || shift.top || !shift.left && !shift.top ? offset.left : 0; pos.top -= offset.top.charAt ? offset.user : vertical !== 'shift' || shift.left || !shift.left && !shift.top ? offset.top : 0; // Cache details cache.left = adjust.left; cache.top = adjust.top; cache.corner = newCorner.string(); } /* border width calculator */ function borderWidth(corner, side, backup) { side = !side ? corner[corner.precedance] : side; var isFluid = tooltip.hasClass(fluidClass), isTitleTop = elems.titlebar && corner.y === 'top', elem = isTitleTop ? elems.titlebar : elems.content, css = 'border-' + side + '-width', val; // Grab the border-width value (add fluid class if needed) tooltip.addClass(fluidClass); val = parseInt(elem.css(css), 10); val = (backup ? val || parseInt(tooltip.css(css), 10) : val) || 0; tooltip.toggleClass(fluidClass, isFluid); return val; } function borderRadius(corner) { var isTitleTop = elems.titlebar && corner.y === 'top', elem = isTitleTop ? elems.titlebar : elems.content, moz = $.browser.mozilla, prefix = moz ? '-moz-' : $.browser.webkit ? '-webkit-' : '', side = corner.y + (moz ? '' : '-') + corner.x, css = prefix + (moz ? 'border-radius-' + side : 'border-' + side + '-radius'); return parseInt(elem.css(css), 10) || parseInt(tooltip.css(css), 10) || 0; } function calculateSize(corner) { var y = corner.precedance === 'y', width = size [ y ? 'width' : 'height' ], height = size [ y ? 'height' : 'width' ], isCenter = corner.string().indexOf('center') > -1, base = width * (isCenter ? 0.5 : 1), pow = Math.pow, round = Math.round, bigHyp, ratio, result, smallHyp = Math.sqrt( pow(base, 2) + pow(height, 2) ), hyp = [ (border / base) * smallHyp, (border / height) * smallHyp ]; hyp[2] = Math.sqrt( pow(hyp[0], 2) - pow(border, 2) ); hyp[3] = Math.sqrt( pow(hyp[1], 2) - pow(border, 2) ); bigHyp = smallHyp + hyp[2] + hyp[3] + (isCenter ? 0 : hyp[0]); ratio = bigHyp / smallHyp; result = [ round(ratio * height), round(ratio * width) ]; return { height: result[ y ? 0 : 1 ], width: result[ y ? 1 : 0 ] }; } $.extend(self, { init: function() { var enabled = self.detectCorner() && (hasCanvas || $.browser.msie); // Determine tip corner and type if(enabled) { // Create a new tip and draw it self.create(); self.update(); // Bind update events tooltip.unbind(namespace).bind('tooltipmove'+namespace, reposition); } return enabled; }, detectCorner: function() { var corner = opts.corner, posOptions = qTip.options.position, at = posOptions.at, my = posOptions.my.string ? posOptions.my.string() : posOptions.my; // Detect corner and mimic properties if(corner === FALSE || (my === FALSE && at === FALSE)) { return FALSE; } else { if(corner === TRUE) { self.corner = new PLUGINS.Corner(my); } else if(!corner.string) { self.corner = new PLUGINS.Corner(corner); self.corner.fixed = TRUE; } } return self.corner.string() !== 'centercenter'; }, detectColours: function() { var i, fill, border, tip = elems.tip.css({ backgroundColor: '', border: '' }), corner = self.corner, precedance = corner[ corner.precedance ], borderSide = 'border-' + precedance + '-color', borderSideCamel = 'border' + precedance.charAt(0) + precedance.substr(1) + 'Color', invalid = /rgba?\(0, 0, 0(, 0)?\)|transparent/i, backgroundColor = 'background-color', transparent = 'transparent', bodyBorder = $(document.body).css('color'), contentColour = qTip.elements.content.css('color'), useTitle = elems.titlebar && (corner.y === 'top' || (corner.y === 'center' && tip.position().top + (size.height / 2) + opts.offset < elems.titlebar.outerHeight(1))), colorElem = useTitle ? elems.titlebar : elems.content; // Apply the fluid class so we can see our CSS values properly tooltip.addClass(fluidClass); // Detect tip colours from CSS styles color.fill = fill = tip.css(backgroundColor); color.border = border = tip[0].style[ borderSideCamel ] || tip.css(borderSide) || tooltip.css(borderSide); // Make sure colours are valid if(!fill || invalid.test(fill)) { color.fill = colorElem.css(backgroundColor) || transparent; if(invalid.test(color.fill)) { color.fill = tooltip.css(backgroundColor) || fill; } } if(!border || invalid.test(border) || border === bodyBorder) { color.border = colorElem.css(borderSide) || transparent; if(invalid.test(color.border) || color.border === contentColour) { color.border = border; } } // Reset background and border colours $('*', tip).add(tip).css(backgroundColor, transparent).css('border', ''); // Remove fluid class tooltip.removeClass(fluidClass); }, create: function() { var width = size.width, height = size.height, vml; // Remove previous tip element if present if(elems.tip) { elems.tip.remove(); } // Create tip element and prepend to the tooltip elems.tip = $('
', { 'class': 'ui-tooltip-tip' }).css({ width: width, height: height }).prependTo(tooltip); // Create tip drawing element(s) if(hasCanvas) { // save() as soon as we create the canvas element so FF2 doesn't bork on our first restore()! $('').appendTo(elems.tip)[0].getContext('2d').save(); } else { vml = ''; elems.tip.html(vml + vml); } }, update: function(corner, position) { var tip = elems.tip, inner = tip.children(), width = size.width, height = size.height, regular = 'px solid ', transparent = 'px dashed transparent', // Dashed IE6 border-transparency hack. Awesome! mimic = opts.mimic, round = Math.round, precedance, context, coords, translate, newSize; // Re-determine tip if not already set if(!corner) { corner = self.corner; } // Use corner property if we detect an invalid mimic value if(mimic === FALSE) { mimic = corner; } // Otherwise inherit mimic properties from the corner object as necessary else { mimic = new PLUGINS.Corner(mimic); mimic.precedance = corner.precedance; if(mimic.x === 'inherit') { mimic.x = corner.x; } else if(mimic.y === 'inherit') { mimic.y = corner.y; } else if(mimic.x === mimic.y) { mimic[ corner.precedance ] = corner[ corner.precedance ]; } } precedance = mimic.precedance; // Update our colours self.detectColours(); // Detect border width, taking into account colours if(color.border !== 'transparent' && color.border !== '#123456') { // Grab border width border = borderWidth(corner, NULL, TRUE); // If border width isn't zero, use border color as fill (1.0 style tips) if(opts.border === 0 && border > 0) { color.fill = color.border; } // Set border width (use detected border width if opts.border is true) self.border = border = opts.border !== TRUE ? opts.border : border; } // Border colour was invalid, set border to zero else { self.border = border = 0; } // Calculate coordinates coords = calculateTip(mimic, width , height); // Determine tip size self.size = newSize = calculateSize(corner); tip.css(newSize); // Calculate tip translation if(corner.precedance === 'y') { translate = [ round(mimic.x === 'left' ? border : mimic.x === 'right' ? newSize.width - width - border : (newSize.width - width) / 2), round(mimic.y === 'top' ? newSize.height - height : 0) ]; } else { translate = [ round(mimic.x === 'left' ? newSize.width - width : 0), round(mimic.y === 'top' ? border : mimic.y === 'bottom' ? newSize.height - height - border : (newSize.height - height) / 2) ]; } // Canvas drawing implementation if(hasCanvas) { // Set the canvas size using calculated size inner.attr(newSize); // Grab canvas context and clear/save it context = inner[0].getContext('2d'); context.restore(); context.save(); context.clearRect(0,0,3000,3000); // Translate origin context.translate(translate[0], translate[1]); // Draw the tip context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(coords[0][0], coords[0][1]); context.lineTo(coords[1][0], coords[1][1]); context.lineTo(coords[2][0], coords[2][1]); context.closePath(); context.fillStyle = color.fill; context.strokeStyle = color.border; context.lineWidth = border * 2; context.lineJoin = 'miter'; context.miterLimit = 100; if(border) { context.stroke(); } context.fill(); } // VML (IE Proprietary implementation) else { // Setup coordinates string coords = 'm' + coords[0][0] + ',' + coords[0][1] + ' l' + coords[1][0] + ',' + coords[1][1] + ' ' + coords[2][0] + ',' + coords[2][1] + ' xe'; // Setup VML-specific offset for pixel-perfection translate[2] = border && /^(r|b)/i.test(corner.string()) ? parseFloat($.browser.version, 10) === 8 ? 2 : 1 : 0; // Set initial CSS inner.css({ antialias: ''+(mimic.string().indexOf('center') > -1), left: translate[0] - (translate[2] * Number(precedance === 'x')), top: translate[1] - (translate[2] * Number(precedance === 'y')), width: width + border, height: height + border }) .each(function(i) { var $this = $(this); // Set shape specific attributes $this[ $this.prop ? 'prop' : 'attr' ]({ coordsize: (width+border) + ' ' + (height+border), path: coords, fillcolor: color.fill, filled: !!i, stroked: !!!i }) .css({ display: border || i ? 'block' : 'none' }); // Check if border is enabled and add stroke element if(!i && $this.html() === '') { $this.html( '' ); } }); } // Position if needed if(position !== FALSE) { self.position(corner); } }, // Tip positioning method position: function(corner) { var tip = elems.tip, position = {}, userOffset = Math.max(0, opts.offset), precedance, dimensions, corners; // Return if tips are disabled or tip is not yet rendered if(opts.corner === FALSE || !tip) { return FALSE; } // Inherit corner if not provided corner = corner || self.corner; precedance = corner.precedance; // Determine which tip dimension to use for adjustment dimensions = calculateSize(corner); // Setup corners and offset array corners = [ corner.x, corner.y ]; if(precedance === 'x') { corners.reverse(); } // Calculate tip position $.each(corners, function(i, side) { var b, br; if(side === 'center') { b = precedance === 'y' ? 'left' : 'top'; position[ b ] = '50%'; position['margin-' + b] = -Math.round(dimensions[ precedance === 'y' ? 'width' : 'height' ] / 2) + userOffset; } else { b = borderWidth(corner, side, TRUE); br = borderRadius(corner); position[ side ] = i ? border ? borderWidth(corner, side) : 0 : userOffset + (br > b ? br : 0); } }); // Adjust for tip dimensions position[ corner[precedance] ] -= dimensions[ precedance === 'x' ? 'width' : 'height' ]; // Set and return new position tip.css({ top: '', bottom: '', left: '', right: '', margin: '' }).css(position); return position; }, destroy: function() { // Remov tip and bound events if(elems.tip) { elems.tip.remove(); } tooltip.unbind(namespace); } }); self.init(); } PLUGINS.tip = function(api) { var self = api.plugins.tip; return 'object' === typeof self ? self : (api.plugins.tip = new Tip(api)); }; // Initialize tip on render PLUGINS.tip.initialize = 'render'; // Setup plugin sanitization options PLUGINS.tip.sanitize = function(options) { var style = options.style, opts; if(style && 'tip' in style) { opts = options.style.tip; if(typeof opts !== 'object'){ options.style.tip = { corner: opts }; } if(!(/string|boolean/i).test(typeof opts.corner)) { opts.corner = TRUE; } if(typeof opts.width !== 'number'){ delete opts.width; } if(typeof opts.height !== 'number'){ delete opts.height; } if(typeof opts.border !== 'number' && opts.border !== TRUE){ delete opts.border; } if(typeof opts.offset !== 'number'){ delete opts.offset; } } }; // Extend original qTip defaults $.extend(TRUE, QTIP.defaults, { style: { tip: { corner: TRUE, mimic: FALSE, width: 6, height: 6, border: TRUE, offset: 0 } } }); }(jQuery, window));; (function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.qtip = { attach: function(context) { // Set delay on click to immediate if (Drupal.settings.qtip.show_event_type == 'click') { show_delay = 1; } else { show_delay = 140; // This is the default qTip value, set for hover links } // Determine how to position the tooltip if (Drupal.settings.qtip.show_speech_bubble_tip) { // Set the proper qtip speech-bubble tip position if (Drupal.settings.qtip.show_speech_bubble_tip_side) { switch_position = Drupal.settings.qtip.tooltip_position.split('_'); // We do not want to put tooltip on it's side if it is being displayed // in the center or side of an element if (switch_position[1] == 'center') { tip_position = Drupal.settings.qtip.tooltip_position; } else { tip_position = switch_position[1] + ' ' + switch_position[0]; } } // Otherwise just set it to the same value as the tooltip else { tip_position = Drupal.settings.qtip.tooltip_position; } } else { tip_position = false; } // Is a custom style declared by the admin? if(Drupal.settings.qtip.color == 'custom-color') { Drupal.settings.qtip.color = Drupal.settings.qtip.custom_color; } // Do we want a shadow to show under the tooltip? if(Drupal.settings.qtip.show_shadow) { style_classes = 'ui-tooltip-shadow ' + Drupal.settings.qtip.color; } else { style_classes = Drupal.settings.qtip.color; } // Do we want to show the tooltips with rounded corners? if(Drupal.settings.qtip.rounded_corners) { style_classes += ' ui-tooltip-rounded'; } //Do we want a solid tip to display if (Drupal.settings.qtip.show_speech_bubble_tip_solid) { solid_tip = false; } else { solid_tip = 5; } /*** Standard Settings ***/ $('.qtip-link').each(function() { if(Drupal.settings.qtip.show_event_type == 'click') { $(this).addClass('ui-tooltip-click'); } // if there is a title associated with this qtip... if ($(this).children('.qtip-header').length) { tooltip_title = $(this).children('.qtip-header').html(); } // if there isn't we don't want a blank title area to show on the qtip... else { tooltip_title = false; } build_qtip(this, 'node'); }); /*** Additional Elements ***/ if(Drupal.settings.qtip.additional_elements) { $(Drupal.settings.qtip.additional_elements).each(function() { $(this).addClass('qtip-additional-element'); if(Drupal.settings.qtip.show_event_type == 'click') { $(this).addClass('ui-tooltip-click'); } // if there is a title associated with this qtip... if ($(this).children('.qtip-header').length) { tooltip_title = $(this).children('.qtip-header').html(); } // if there isn't we don't want a blank title area to show on the qtip... else { tooltip_title = false; } build_qtip(this, 'node'); }); } /*** Webform Settings ***/ // Does the admin even want the descriptions to show up in a tooltip? if (Drupal.settings.qtip.show_webform_descriptions) { /* form-text - works well form-textarea - works, but width can throw off the tooltip form-radios - works, but the radios element wrapper is 100% width, so throws off tooltip like form-textarea form-select - works well - should maybe have something like mouseenter or something for usability */ // Elements where description is a sibling to the selected element $('form.webform-client-form .form-text,' + 'form.webform-client-form .form-select').each(function() { description = $(this).siblings('.description'); description.css('display', 'none'); tooltip_title = false; show_delay = 1; build_qtip(this, 'form', description.html()); }); // Elements where description is a sibling to the PARENT of the selected element $('form.webform-client-form .form-radios,' + 'form.webform-client-form .form-textarea').each(function() { description = $(this).parent().siblings('.description'); description.css('display', 'none'); tooltip_title = false; show_delay = 1; build_qtip(this, 'form', description.html()); }); } function build_qtip(el, type, desc) { if (type == 'form') { show_text = desc ? desc : ''; // By default, the description text is wrapped inside

// Since we are putting this in a tooltip we want to remove this // and any other tags that might possibly get set show_text = show_text.replace(/(<.*?>)/ig,""); set_my = 'left_center'; tip_position = 'left_center'; set_at = 'right_center'; show_event = 'focus'; hide_event = 'blur'; } else { // "Normal" tooltip show_text = $(el).children('.qtip-tooltip'); set_my = Drupal.settings.qtip.tooltip_position; set_at = Drupal.settings.qtip.target_position; show_event = Drupal.settings.qtip.show_event_type; hide_event = Drupal.settings.qtip.hide_event_type; } $(el).qtip({ content: { text: show_text, title: { text: tooltip_title } }, position: { my: set_my, // my = speech bubble position on tooltip at: set_at, // at = where on link text tooltip will appear adjust: { screen: true // Keeps tooltip within visible window } }, style: { classes: style_classes, tip: { corner: tip_position, // Position of speech bubble tip...false will not display tip border: solid_tip, // parseInt(Drupal.settings.qtip.border_width) width: parseInt(Drupal.settings.qtip.speech_bubble_size), height: parseInt(Drupal.settings.qtip.speech_bubble_size) } }, show: { event: show_event, solo: true, // Determines whether or not the tooltip will hide all others when the show.event is triggered on the show.target. delay: show_delay }, hide: { event: hide_event, fixed: true //When set to true, the tooltip will not hide if moused over, allowing the contents to be clicked and interacted with. } }); } } }; })(jQuery); ; /*jslint browser: true */ /*global jQuery: true */ /** * jQuery Cookie plugin * * Copyright (c) 2010 Klaus Hartl (stilbuero.de) * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * */ // TODO JsDoc /** * Create a cookie with the given key and value and other optional parameters. * * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value'); * @desc Set the value of a cookie. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7, path: '/', domain: 'jquery.com', secure: true }); * @desc Create a cookie with all available options. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value'); * @desc Create a session cookie. * @example $.cookie('the_cookie', null); * @desc Delete a cookie by passing null as value. Keep in mind that you have to use the same path and domain * used when the cookie was set. * * @param String key The key of the cookie. * @param String value The value of the cookie. * @param Object options An object literal containing key/value pairs to provide optional cookie attributes. * @option Number|Date expires Either an integer specifying the expiration date from now on in days or a Date object. * If a negative value is specified (e.g. a date in the past), the cookie will be deleted. * If set to null or omitted, the cookie will be a session cookie and will not be retained * when the the browser exits. * @option String path The value of the path atribute of the cookie (default: path of page that created the cookie). * @option String domain The value of the domain attribute of the cookie (default: domain of page that created the cookie). * @option Boolean secure If true, the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie transmission will * require a secure protocol (like HTTPS). * @type undefined * * @name $.cookie * @cat Plugins/Cookie * @author Klaus Hartl/klaus.hartl@stilbuero.de */ /** * Get the value of a cookie with the given key. * * @example $.cookie('the_cookie'); * @desc Get the value of a cookie. * * @param String key The key of the cookie. * @return The value of the cookie. * @type String * * @name $.cookie * @cat Plugins/Cookie * @author Klaus Hartl/klaus.hartl@stilbuero.de */ jQuery.cookie = function (key, value, options) { // key and value given, set cookie... if (arguments.length > 1 && (value === null || typeof value !== "object")) { options = jQuery.extend({}, options); if (value === null) { options.expires = -1; } if (typeof options.expires === 'number') { var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date(); t.setDate(t.getDate() + days); } return (document.cookie = [ encodeURIComponent(key), '=', options.raw ? String(value) : encodeURIComponent(String(value)), options.expires ? '; expires=' + options.expires.toUTCString() : '', // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE options.path ? '; path=' + options.path : '', options.domain ? '; domain=' + options.domain : '', options.secure ? '; secure' : '' ].join('')); } // key and possibly options given, get cookie... options = value || {}; var result, decode = options.raw ? function (s) { return s; } : decodeURIComponent; return (result = new RegExp('(?:^|; )' + encodeURIComponent(key) + '=([^;]*)').exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null; }; ; /*! * jQuery Form Plugin * version: 2.69 (06-APR-2011) * @requires jQuery v1.3.2 or later * * Examples and documentation at: http://malsup.com/jquery/form/ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ (function(a){function b(){if(a.fn.ajaxSubmit.debug){var b="[jquery.form] "+Array.prototype.join.call(arguments,"");window.console&&window.console.log?window.console.log(b):window.opera&&window.opera.postError&&window.opera.postError(b)}}a.fn.ajaxSubmit=function(c){function r(){function t(){if(!j.aborted){var c=i.contentWindow?i.contentWindow.document:i.contentDocument?i.contentDocument:i.document;if(!c||c.location.href==e.iframeSrc)if(!m)return;i.detachEvent?i.detachEvent("onload",t):i.removeEventListener("load",t,!1);var d=!0;try{if(m)throw"timeout";var f=e.dataType=="xml"||c.XMLDocument||a.isXMLDoc(c);b("isXml="+f);if(!f&&window.opera&&(c.body==null||c.body.innerHTML=="")&&--s){b("requeing onLoad callback, DOM not available"),setTimeout(t,250);return}j.responseText=c.body?c.body.innerHTML:c.documentElement?c.documentElement.innerHTML:null,j.responseXML=c.XMLDocument?c.XMLDocument:c,j.getResponseHeader=function(a){var b={"content-type":e.dataType};return b[a]};var g=/(json|script)/.test(e.dataType);if(g||e.textarea){var l=c.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0];if(l)j.responseText=l.value;else if(g){var n=c.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0],o=c.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];n?j.responseText=n.textContent:o&&(j.responseText=o.innerHTML)}}else e.dataType=="xml"&&!j.responseXML&&j.responseText!=null&&(j.responseXML=u(j.responseText));q=w(j,e.dataType,e)}catch(p){b("error caught:",p),d=!1,j.error=p,e.error&&e.error.call(e.context,j,"error",p),k&&a.event.trigger("ajaxError",[j,e,p])}j.aborted&&(b("upload aborted"),d=!1),d&&(e.success&&e.success.call(e.context,q,"success",j),k&&a.event.trigger("ajaxSuccess",[j,e])),k&&a.event.trigger("ajaxComplete",[j,e]),k&&!--a.active&&a.event.trigger("ajaxStop"),e.complete&&e.complete.call(e.context,j,d?"success":"error"),setTimeout(function(){h.removeData("form-plugin-onload"),h.remove(),j.responseXML=null},100)}}function p(){var b=l.attr("target"),c=l.attr("action");d.setAttribute("target",f),d.getAttribute("method")!="POST"&&d.setAttribute("method","POST"),d.getAttribute("action")!=e.url&&d.setAttribute("action",e.url),e.skipEncodingOverride||l.attr({encoding:"multipart/form-data",enctype:"multipart/form-data"}),e.timeout&&setTimeout(function(){m=!0,t()},e.timeout);var g=[];try{if(e.extraData)for(var j in e.extraData)g.push(a('').appendTo(d)[0]);h.appendTo("body"),i.attachEvent?i.attachEvent("onload",t):i.addEventListener("load",t,!1),d.submit()}finally{d.setAttribute("action",c),b?d.setAttribute("target",b):l.removeAttr("target"),a(g).remove()}}var d=l[0];if(a(":input[name=submit],:input[id=submit]",d).length)alert('Error: Form elements must not have name or id of "submit".');else{var e=a.extend(!0,{},a.ajaxSettings,c);e.context=e.context||e;var f="jqFormIO"+(new Date).getTime(),g="_"+f,h=a('