(function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.respImg = { attach: function (context) { Drupal.respImg_processSuffixes(); $(window).resize(function() { if ($(window).width() > 10) { Drupal.respImg_processSuffixes(); } }); } } Drupal.respImg_getOptimalSuffix = function() { var devicePixelRatio = 1; if(window.devicePixelRatio !== undefined && Drupal.settings.respImg.useDevicePixelRatio) { devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio; } $.cookie( "respimg_ratio", devicePixelRatio, { path: Drupal.settings.basePath, expires: 1 } ); // Helper function to calculate width off border and scrollbars function borderAndScroll() { if (typeof borderAndScroll.current == 'undefined' ) { borderAndScroll.current = 0; if (window.innerWidth && window.outerWidth) { borderAndScroll.current = window.outerWidth - window.innerWidth; } else if (document.body.offsetWidth && document.body.clientWidth) { borderAndScroll.current = document.body.offsetWidth - document.body.clientWidth; } } return borderAndScroll.current; } var suffix = ''; var suffix_set = false; var cookie_set = false; $.each(Drupal.settings.respImg.suffixes, function(index, value) { var breakpoint = value - borderAndScroll(); if (breakpoint <= $(window).width() && !cookie_set) { // set cookie with new width $.cookie( "respimg", value, { path: Drupal.settings.basePath, expires: 1 } ); cookie_set = true; } if ((breakpoint / devicePixelRatio) <= $(window).width() && !suffix_set) { suffix = index; suffix_set = true; } if (cookie_set && suffix_set) { return false; // break .each } }); return suffix; } Drupal.respImg_processSuffixes = function() { // Redirect user if needed / wanted if (Drupal.settings.respImg.current_suffix === false && Drupal.settings.respImg.forceRedirect == "1") { // Make sure browser accepts cookies if (Drupal.respImg_cookiesEnabled()) { var suffix = Drupal.respImg_getOptimalSuffix(); location.replace(location.href); return; } } // get currently used suffix, or default var current_suffix = Drupal.settings.respImg.current_suffix; if (Drupal.settings.respImg.current_suffix === false) { current_suffix = Drupal.settings.respImg.default_suffix; } // get optimal suffix var suffix = Drupal.respImg_getOptimalSuffix(); if (Drupal.settings.respImg.reloadOnResize == "1" && suffix !== '' && suffix !== current_suffix && Drupal.respImg_cookiesEnabled()) { setTimeout(function() {location.reload(true)}, 100); return; } if (Drupal.settings.respImg.forceResize == "1" && suffix !== '' && suffix !== current_suffix) { // support for images $('img').each(function() { var img = $(this); var src = img.attr('src').replace(current_suffix, suffix); img.attr('src', src); img.removeAttr('width'); img.removeAttr('height'); }); // support for colorbox links $('a.colorbox').each(function() { var a = $(this); var href = a.attr('href').replace(current_suffix, suffix); a.attr('href', href); }); // support for field_slideshow (kind of) if (typeof(Drupal.behaviors.field_slideshow) == "object") { $('div.field-slideshow-processed') .cycle('destroy') .removeClass('field-slideshow-processed') .css('width', '') .css('height', '') .css('padding-bottom', '') .each(function() { var $field = $(this); var $child = $field.children('div.field-slideshow-slide').first(); console.log($child); console.log($child.css('width')); $field.css('width', $child.css('width')); }); $('div.field-slideshow-slide').css('width', '').css('height', ''); Drupal.behaviors.field_slideshow.attach(); } // store last used suffix Drupal.settings.respImg.current_suffix = suffix; } } Drupal.respImg_cookiesEnabled = function() { var cookieEnabled = (navigator.cookieEnabled) ? true : false; if (typeof navigator.cookieEnabled == "undefined" && !cookieEnabled) { $.cookie('respimg_test', 'ok'); cookieEnabled = ($cookie('respimg_test') === 'ok'); } return cookieEnabled; } } (jQuery));; /* $Id: lightbox_video.js,v 2010/09/21 17:57:22 snpower Exp $ */ /** * Lightbox video * @author * Stella Power, */ var Lightvideo; // start jQuery block (function ($) { Lightvideo = { // startVideo() startVideo: function (href) { if (Lightvideo.checkKnownVideos(href)) { return; } else if (href.match(/\.mov$/i)) { if (navigator.plugins && navigator.plugins.length) { Lightbox.modalHTML =''; } else { Lightbox.modalHTML = ''; } } else if (href.match(/\.wmv$/i) || href.match(/\.asx$/i)) { Lightbox.modalHTML = ''; } else { Lightbox.videoId = href; variables = ''; if (!href.match(/\.swf$/i)) { href = Lightbox.flvPlayer + '?file=' + href; if (Lightbox.flvFlashvars.length) { variables = Lightbox.flvFlashvars; } } Lightvideo.createEmbed(href, "flvplayer", "#ffffff", variables); } }, // createEmbed() createEmbed: function(href, id, color, variables) { var bgcolor = 'bgcolor="' + color + '"'; var flashvars = ''; if (variables) { flashvars = 'flashvars="' + variables + '"'; } Lightbox.modalHTML = ''; }, // checkKnownVideos() checkKnownVideos: function(href) { if (Lightvideo.checkYouTubeVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkGoogleVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkMySpaceVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkLiveVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkMetacafeVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkIFilmSpikeVideo(href) || Lightvideo.checkVimeoVideo(href) ) { return true; } return false; }, // checkYouTubeVideo() checkYouTubeVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'youtube.com/v/([^"&]+)', 'youtube.com/watch\\?v=([^"&]+)', 'youtube.com/\\?v=([^"&]+)' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; var href = "//www.youtube.com/embed/"+Lightbox.videoId; var variables = 'fs=1'; if (Lightbox.flvFlashvars.length) { variables = variables + '&' + Lightbox.flvFlashvars; href = href + '&' + variables; } //Lightvideo.createEmbed(href, "flvvideo", "#ffffff", variables); Lightvideo.createIFrameEmbed(href, "flvvideo", "#ffffff"); return true; } } return false; }, // createIFrameEmbed() createIFrameEmbed: function(href, id, color, variables) { var bgcolor = 'bgcolor="' + color + '"'; Lightbox.modalHTML = ''; }, checkVimeoVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'vimeo.com/([^/]*)' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; href = "//player.vimeo.com/video/"+Lightbox.videoId; Lightvideo.createIFrameEmbed(href, "flvvideo", "#ffffff"); return true; } } return false; }, // checkGoogleVideo() checkGoogleVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'http://video.google.[a-z]{2,4}/googleplayer.swf\\?docId=(-?\\d*)', 'http://video.google.[a-z]{2,4}/videoplay\\?docid=([^&]*)&', 'http://video.google.[a-z]{2,4}/videoplay\\?docid=(.*)' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; var href = "http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId="+Lightbox.videoId+"&hl=en"; var variables = 'fs=true'; if (Lightbox.flvFlashvars.length) { variables = variables + '&' + Lightbox.flvFlashvars; href = href + '&' + variables; } Lightvideo.createEmbed(href, "flvvideo", "#ffffff", variables); return true; } } return false; }, // checkMetacafeVideo() checkMetacafeVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'metacafe.com/watch/(\.[^/]*)/(\.[^/]*)/', 'metacafe.com/watch/(\.[^/]*)/(\.*)', 'metacafe.com/fplayer/(\.[^/]*)/(\.[^.]*).' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; Lightvideo.createEmbed("http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/"+Lightbox.videoId+"/.swf", "flvvideo", "#ffffff"); return true; } } return false; }, // checkIFilmSpikeVideo() checkIFilmSpikeVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'spike.com/video/[^/&"]*?/(\\d+)', 'ifilm.com/video/[^/&"]*?/(\\d+)', 'spike.com/video/([^/&"]*)', 'ifilm.com/video/([^/&"]*)' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; Lightvideo.createEmbed("http://www.spike.com/efp", "flvvideo", "#000", "flvbaseclip="+Lightbox.videoId+"&"); return true; } } return false; }, // checkMySpaceVideo() checkMySpaceVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'src="myspace.com/index.cfm\\?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=([^&"]+)', 'myspace.com/index.cfm\\?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=([^&"]+)', 'src="myspacetv.com/index.cfm\\?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=([^&"]+)"', 'myspacetv.com/index.cfm\\?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=([^&"]+)' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; Lightvideo.createEmbed("http://lads.myspace.com/videos/vplayer.swf", "flvvideo", "#ffffff", "m="+Lightbox.videoId); return true; } } return false; }, // checkLiveVideo() checkLiveVideo: function(href) { var patterns = [ 'livevideo.com/flvplayer/embed/([^"]*)"', 'livevideo.com/video/[^/]*?/([^/]*)/', 'livevideo.com/video/([^/]*)/' ]; for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { var pattern = new RegExp(patterns[i], "i"); var results = pattern.exec(href); if (results !== null) { Lightbox.videoId = results[1]; Lightvideo.createEmbed("http://www.livevideo.com/flvplayer/embed/"+Lightbox.videoId, "flvvideo", "#ffffff"); return true; } } return false; } }; //End jQuery block }(jQuery)); ;