Speaker: Alexandre Freire Kawakami

Agile Coach @IndustrialLogic
Alex, who was one of the Agile pioneers in Latin America, now consults internationally, speaking frequently at conferences to help communities worldwide expand beyond their comfort zones. A programmer, coach, scientist, student and teacher, Alex loves learning and doesn't shy away from changing his mind. As Director at Industrial Logic, he focuses on enabling our team to deliver quality software and to solve real world problems through Modern Agile training and coaching for the leading companies in our Industry. Alex is also an accomplished artist who loves architecture and exploring creative tactics of co-existence in spaces that integrate into the environment in a sustainable way. Using Agile practices, he built an eco house on a remote island that was awarded the Institute of Brazilian Architecture’s “Young Architect Prize” for projects completed in 2011. He recently moved with his wife, son and dog to Berkeley, CA. He is active on twitter (@freire_da_silva) spreading wisdom on Modern Agile, software development, the tech industry, startups, Brazil, politics and the digital culture revolution.

Find Alexandre Freire Kawakami at

Talk: Enabling Awesome Engineering Teams

Other talks from the same track



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9