Speaker: Konrad Malawski

Akka @Lightbend & Reactive Streams Committer
Akka hakker @ Lightbend, where he also participated in the Reactive Streams initiative and implemented it's Technology Compatibility Kit. Konrad is a late-night passionate dev living by the motto "Life is Study!". His favourite discussion topics range from distributed systems to capybaras. He has founded and run multiple user groups (Java, Scala, Computer Science, ...), as well as the awesome GeeCON conference, in Poland. Other than that, he maintains a number of Scala tools (such as sbt-jmh), and frequently speaks on distributed systems and concurrency topics at conferences all around the world. In those rare times he's not coding, he spreads the joy of computer science by helping local user groups and whitepaper reading clubs. He also holds number of titles, the most fun of which being Java One RockStar 2015.

Find Konrad Malawski at

Talk: Reactive Streams, j.u.concurrent, & Beyond!

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Head of the Java Platform Development Team & VP @Oracle
JVM/GC Engineer @Twitter, JCP Executive Committee, & Previous G1GC Tech Lead



Monday Nov 7

Tuesday Nov 8

Wednesday Nov 9