QCon is coming back to San Francisco..

Tutorials: Nov. 16 - 17, 2009
Conference: Nov. 18 - 20, 2009
This third annual San Francisco enterprise software development conference designed for team leads, architects and project management is back! Bloggers wrote about 32of the 60 sessions at last year’s event, read this article to see what the attendees said. There is no other event in the US with similar opportunities for learning, networking, and tracking innovation occurring in the Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, Agile, and architecture communities.
Some of our speakers include :
Don Box – Architect of WCF, Essential COM
Martin Fowler – Loud Mouth on OO, DSLs
Eric Evans – Mr. Domain-Driven Design
Steve Freeman – Agile Pioneer, JMock co-author
Ola Bini – Jruby Core Developer, book author
Jeff Patton – Agile Product Design Expert
Henrik Kniberg – Author, Scrum and XP from the Trenches
Max Ross – Google App Engine/ Java Lead
Dion Almaer & Ben Galbraith – Ajaxian.com Co-founders
Denis Bregeon - I was very happy with it. Most of the talks tickled my imagination and that is the primary thing I was looking for. Many others gave me details on more technical subjects that I wanted to learn about.
David Forbes - Exhilirated after gorging on brain candy this week, I have a moment to reflect on what just happened. QCon was the right place to be. I can't imagine where else I would have rather been. If I had the week to do again, I would probably march right down to the Westin...again.
Brendan Quinn - The logistics were all great as usual, the wireless came thick and fast, and the food was pretty good -- ya gotta love that mid-afternoon ice cream run to keep the sugar levels high!