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David West, Author of "Object Thinking"
David West, PhD. Dave has been a working professional computer operator to consultant with side trips into management since 1968. He has taught university courses for sixteen years, authored a book, /Object Thinking/, published by Microsoft Press Professional.
He has been doing agile development since the mid-
nineties, earlier if you count the rapid application development,
prototyping, and objects.
He has worked with small teams and large
fortune 100 organizations doing training, mentoring, and coaching.
Presentation: "Transcendence and Passing Through the Gate"
Wednesday 15:45 - 16:45
City Room
Abstract: Agile is a state of mind; therefore Being Agile requires the establishment and maintenance of that state of mind. Lest
this seem to mystical or philosophical - recall Kent Beck's
comments in the first edition of eXtreme Programming explained,
"XP is done in phases; phase one is 'out of the box,' phase two is
'adapted,' and phase three is 'transcended'.
"Transcendence is a state of mind - of being - where agility has been internalized and is manifest in every action and thought of the developer.
Christopher Alexander, the architect that inspired the design
patterns movement, had a similar transcendent goal for
architects. Alexander proposed the use of a "pattern language" as
a "gate" the means to achieve the desired transcendent state of
This talk will show how following agile values, ideas, and
practices lead the practitioner to the threshold of
transcendence. We will also talk about how to take the final
step: from "Doing Agile" to "Being Agile!"