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Jason Seifer, "Java" in RailsEnvy
Jason Seifer is a web developer and 1/2 of RailsEnvy.com, where he helps produce a weekly news podcast for Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers.
His programming interests include Ruby, Rails, Javascript, full text search, and Objective-C.
Presentation: "Ruby VMs: A Comparison"
Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00
Abstract: It wasn't long ago that there was just one way to run ruby scripts.
The times have changed though, and now there's a wealth of Ruby
interpreters to choose from. Should you run your Rails apps on JRuby,
IronRuby, or MRI? Where does Rubinius fit in? What benefits might we
see from MagLev in the future? In this presentation we'll take a look
at all of the different Ruby virtual machines and how to choose what
fits best within your enterprise.