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Lennart Augustsson, Credit Suisse
Lennart Augustsson has a PhD from Computer Sciences, Chalmers University, Sweden.
The thesis topic was efficient implementation of lazy functional languages. Lennart is now a Director in the Global Analytics and Modelling Group at Credit Suisse in London.
After teaching and doing programming language research at Chalmers, Lennart left for the private sector where he has worked on the design and implementation of a number of domain specific languages.
Some examples of languages he has been involved in developing: Haskell, a pure lazy functional language; R@VE, a language used by Carmen System for aircraft crew planning; Delf, a language for descibing Swedish regulations used by Norstedt; Bluespec, a hardware description language used by Bluespec Inc.
As a hobby Lennart has also written most of the USB software available in the BSD family of operating system. Apart from having written a couple of C compilers, Lennart is also a three time winner in the International Obfuscated C Code Contest.
Presentation: "Haskell in the enterprise, statically typed DSLs"
Thursday 13:00 - 14:00
Abstract: Sadek Drobi interviewing Lennart Augustsson.
Presentation: "Strongly Typed Domain Specific Embedded Languages"
Friday 10:45 - 12:00
Abstract: DSELs (Domain Specific Embedded Languages) have grown in popularity over the last few years.
Creating a new domain specific language entails creating a suitable syntax and semantics for the embedded language, so languages with flexible syntax, e.g., Ruby and Haskell are easier to use.
But for those of us who believe in strong typing the work does not end there. In addition to syntax and semantics we also need to impose a type system on the DSEL. Very rarely does the type system of the host language coincide with the type system of the DSEL. In a language with a very programmable type system, like Haskell, it's possible to embed the DSEL type system into the host type system.
In the talk I will illustrate the type system embedding by examples in Haskell.