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Stuart Charlton, Elastra
Stuart Charlton is the Chief Software Architect for Elastra, a provider of Cloud Computing software infrastructure. Stuart specializes in the areas of systems architecture, RESTful web architecture, data warehousing, and is an avid student of lean & agile approaches to business processes and product development.
Prior to joining Elastra, he was an Enterprise Architect with BEA Systems Worldwide Consulting, was the lead integration architect for a major Canadian telecommunications company, and has been a consultant and trainer for over a dozen organizations in the United States, Canada, and Japan.
He is the co-author of CodeNotes for J2EE, published by Random House in 2002, and has written for leading online publications.
Stuart resides in San Francisco, California.
Presentation: "Designing Enterprise IT Systems with REST"
Thursday 17:15 - 18:15
Abstract: REST describes an architectural style that raises the level of abstraction from low-level message passing to hypermedia. Yet this is often the most difficult constraint for architects and developers to understand when designing system-to-system interactions.
This session explores the design of Elastra's hypermedia system, which enables the provisioning and management of decentralized IT services. We'll discuss the approaches we took to handling semantics, transactions, and security in a large, multi-organization RESTful system, the problems we ran into, and the scale & agility benefits of such a system.
Presentation: "The cloud"
Friday 09:15 - 10:15
Abstract: Ryan Slobojan interviewing Stuart Charlton
Training: "Cloud Computing for Developers and Architects"
Monday 09:00 - 12:00
City Room
Cloud computing has become a major force for change in how web design, configure, provision, and manage IT infrastructure. Instead of custom-provisioning individual systems or clusters, an architect oradministrator is expected to have hundreds, or even thousands of resources under their control! A variety of approaches have emerged to do this.
On one hand, services such as Amazon's SimpleDBor Google's App Engine completely abstract the infrastructure away from the developer, outsourcing it to Amazon and Google,respectively.
On the other hand, Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2) provides a raw interface to provisioning and managing Linux instances.
The reason for such disparity and confusion is that the Cloud is multi-disciplinary. It straddles the areas of virtualization, ITmanagement, clustering, Services-Oriented Architecture (SOA), and WebArchitecture, with the overall goal of providing easily accessible interfaces for using and manipulating infrastructure.
This tutorial is targeted at developers and architects that want todig into the internals of cloud computing, so they an evaluate the approach that best suits their needs. It will introduce them to:
- The emerging cloud computing industry, and how it compares to software-as-a-service, traditional IT management and provisioning
- Example cloud architectures; how they're provisioned and managed, from clustered web applications, to large databases, and Hadoop'sparallel batch processing.
- The Amazon EC2 API, a popular interface to provision and manage Linux instances;
- The Puppet infrastructure development system, an open source Ruby-based platform for managing large installations of software
- Elastra open cloud services, an open source toolkit to provisioning and deploying systems with the Elastic Computing and Deployment MarkupLanguages (EDML and ECML)
- Cloud computing security, reliability, scalability, and performance considerations.