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Yehuda Katz, Co-author of "jQuery in Action"
Yehuda Katz is the plugins team leader of the jQuery project. He is also a core team member of the Merb project, a Ruby alternative to Ruby on Rails.
Yehuda currently works at Engine Yard, where he works on the Merb Ruby framework. Yehuda is the author of jQuery in Action, and is a contributing author for Ruby in Practice.
Presentation: "Testing Your Presentation Layer"
Wednesday 15:45 - 16:45
Abstract: In the Ruby world, no serious programmer would write an application
without a comprehensive test suite. Unfortunately, the realities of
integration testing the presentation layer of an Ajax-heavy web
application has forced today's programmers to rely on kludges like
HTML parsing in Ruby (which can't be used to test JavaScript
comprehensively) or Selenium (which requires real-life browsers on
every platform armed and ready).
Screw that! With Johnson, a transparent Ruby to JavaScript bridge, you
can test your JavaScript-heavy pages with ease. Because Johnson is
embedded inside of Ruby, you'll be able to run tests directly in
JavaScript, and then access JavaScript components in the tests (think
Rails.dispatch_to("controller", "action")).
I'll show you how to use Screw.Unit for browserless tests of your
presentation layer. If you use continuous integration (and you
should), you'll be able to easily catch bugs in your presentation
layer without having to defer to a real browser running your tests.