Java 8 : Functional Performance
Java 8 : Functional Performance
Grand Ballroom A
Tuesday, 5:20pm - 6:10pm
Java 8 will provide dramatic upgrades to the Java language and VM technology. Coming in Java 8 are language extensions to add support for lambdas and a new parallel Streams library. Together these offer a dramatic generational change to the way Java applications will be built and deployed. The new Streams API makes it much easier for applications to fully utilize modern multicore hardware.
This session will introduce the new language and library features in Java 8 and the VM technology which enables them. We'll look at some examples of converting existing business logic for parallel streams execution and examine the performance benefits, tradeoffs and occasional pitfalls.

Alex Buckley is the Specification Lead for the Java Language and the Java Virtual Machine at Oracle. He works on a variety of projects to increase the modularity and productivity of the Java SE platform, and collaborates widely with experts in academia, industry, and standards bodies. He holds a Ph.D. in Computing from Imperial College London.