Speaker: Jessica Kerr

Principal Developer Evangelist @honeycombio

Jessica Kerr (@jessitron on twitter) is fascinated by how software doesn’t get easier as she gets better at it: it gets harder, and also more valuable. Jessitron has developed software in Java, C, TypeScript, Clojure, Scala, and Ruby. She keynoted software conferences in Europe, the US, and Australia. She ran workshops on Systems Thinking (with Kent Beck) and Domain Driven Design (with Eric Evans). Now she works at Honeycomb, making complexity navigable with observability. Find her at jessitron.com, or systemsthinking.dev, or at home in St. Louis, MO.

Find Jessica Kerr at:


Honeycomb: How We Used Serverless to Speed Up Our Servers

Honeycomb is the state of the art in observability: customers send us lots of data and then compose complex, ad-hoc queries. Most are simple, some are not. Some are REALLY not; this load is both complex, spontaneous, and urgent.

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Wednesday Oct 26 / 11:50AM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom A


Architecture Observability Serverless
