Platform Thinking: Strategies for Building Effective Platform Teams

Kubernetes is a great starting point, but it is not an end goal. Kubernetes is a platform for building platforms. Platform engineering is the next step of DevOps maturity. Efficient and effective platforms should reduce cognitive load and enable teams to deliver with substantial autonomy, power operability at scale, and provide approaches to reduce friction. This full-day workshop takes a simple distributed application and demonstrates the principles of effective platform engineering. Platforms are a key enabler of modern software and an important component for software teams today.

Workshop Outline:
1. The Cloud Operating Model & Tenets of Cloud Native Applications
2. Platform Principles
3. Platform Architecture & Considerations
4. Developer Experience
5. Enabling Experimentation
6. Measuring your Platform 

Key Takeaways

1 Platforms are the next evolution of DevOps and help teams reduce cognitive load and improve delivery consistency and speed

2 The Tenets of Cloud Nation Application are a modern take on what it takes to build cloud native applications and includes many of the considerations we are family with in 12 factor apps

3 Developer portals are key to enabling self service and should focus on the developer experience.

4 There is no right platform for everyone. The best way to build a platform is to first start with a business objective, deliver it in thin slices, and measure the effectiveness of each slice.


Wes Reisz

Technical Principal @thoughtworks, Creator/Co-host of #TheInfoQPodcast, & QCon SF 2023 PC Chair, Previously Platform Architect @VMware

Wes is a Technical Principal with Thoughtworks where his focus is on working with customers on app modernization, with a particular focus on the cloud native ecosystem. Prior to Thoughtworks, he was one of the Platform Architects at VMware focused on Tanzu. Wes is a previous chair for the San Francisco edition of QCon and is one of the co-hosts of The InfoQ Podcast. His interests focus around architecture, cloud compute, app modernization, and, of course,  the cloud-native ecosystem.

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