Writing Rust: Concurrency and Clarity

Learn how to write and analyze safe, fast, concurrent Rust.

This workshop will expose you to async Rust code, various standard library tools, some common open source libraries, synchronization primitives, borrow checker, ownership concepts, and a little bit of performance profiling. Particularly if you're a beginner, you'll be able to focus more on the parts that interest you.

You will start with a project skeleton and write a cache library. You will learn about the sieve eviction strategy, and compare your cache's latency and throughput to other caches.

This is a practical workshop intended to help grow your skill level, whether you are a beginner or an intermediate Rust user. Depending on how far you get, you may do optimization, additional features, or additional algorithm implementations at your preference.

Key Takeaways

1 Improved understanding of the borrow checker.

2 Data-driven experience choosing correct synchronization primitives.

3 Exposure to a new state-of-the-art eviction algorithm.


Kenny Chamberlin

Lead Engineer @Momento, Previously Valve, AWS Edge & Db Services

Kenny has led a career spanning robotics to personalized ads, and Valve Steam to AWS DynamoDB. He brings a grounded perspective to bear at Momento as a software engineer and leader, designing and building serverless architecture down to syscalls.

Kenny spends his free time writing open source tools, writing about himself in the third person, and machining aluminum. Also building things in Factorio: As they say, the factory must grow.

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Friday Nov 22 / 01:00PM PST ( 3 hours )




Level beginner



  • osx, linux, or WSL on a laptop, as well as an IDE. VS Code is a good choice, but vim and emacs users alike are welcome.
  • rust stable toolchain must be installed. [rustup](https://rustup.rs/) is the usual way.
  • gcc and gnuplot for visualizations, perf for detailed profiling