[Panel] Who Cares About Your API?

Who cares about your API? 


DevOps has shown us that when developers care about operations, they write better software. 

What other viewpoints should developers consider when they're building software?

In this panel discussion, our experts will talk about the various audiences who care about APIs and their perspectives.

From engineers creating, consuming, and supporting an API, and all the non-technical team members, our panelists will provide a 360-degree view of what's important.


Brandon Byars

North America Head of Technology @thoughtworks

Brandon Byars is a passionate technologist, consultant, author, speaker, and open source maintainer. As Head of Technology for Thoughtworks North America, Brandon is part of the group that puts together the Thoughtworks Technology Radar, a biannual, opinionated perspective on technology trends. As a consultant, he has helped lead digital transformation agendas across a range of industries, with a  focus on those technical enabling blocks and integration strategies that help promote autonomy and agility at scale. He is the creator of mountebank, a widely used service virtualization tool, and wrote a related book on testing microservices.

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Jim Barton

Field Engineer @Solo, previously @Redhat @Amazon & @Zappos

Jim Barton is a Field Engineer for Solo.io whose enterprise software career spans 30 years. He has enjoyed roles as a project engineer, sales and consulting engineer, product development manager, and executive leader of tech startups. Prior to Solo, he spent a decade architecting, building and operating systems based on enterprise open-source technologies, at the likes of Red Hat, Amazon, and Zappos. After two years of COVID-driven, Zoom-encrusted isolation, Jim especially enjoys sharing with and learning from three-dimensional people at technical conferences around the world.

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Deepa Goyal

Product Strategy @Postman, previously Product Developer @PayPal & @Twilio

Deepa Goyal is a Product Strategy leader at Postman. She brings a wealth of experience in data science and APIs. She has been part of product development at startups as well as Fortune500s, PayPal and Twilio. She is a champion for applying product thinking to building API products, women in tech and data-driven decision-making.

She is about to publish her first book API Analytics for Product Managers that comes out February 2023. She is resides in San Francisco, California.

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Tejas Shikhare

Senior Software Engineer @Netflix

Tejas is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix where he works on the API Systems team. He has spent the last 4 year building Netflix's Federated GraphQL platform and helped to migrate Netflix’s consumer facing APIs to GraphQL. Aside from GraphQL, he also enjoys working with distributed systems and has a passion for building developer tools and education.

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From the same track

Session Application Programming Interface

API Evolution Without Versioning

Tuesday Oct 25 / 10:35AM PDT

Versioning is usually the first–and too often, the only–technique architects reach for when imagining a breaking change to an API’s interface. Based on my experience managing the evolution of a public API, I’ve recently cataloged several alternative techniques and their tradeoffs.

Speaker image - Brandon Byars

Brandon Byars

North America Head of Technology @thoughtworks

Session Application Programming Interface

What API Product Managers Need

Tuesday Oct 25 / 11:50AM PDT

With thousands of APIs being built across the industry, serving millions of developers worldwide, and driving billions in revenue, there is a need to manage APIs as products. Building great API products requires both building technically sound APIs and creating an API experience to match.

Speaker image - Deepa Goyal

Deepa Goyal

Product Strategy @Postman, previously Product Developer @PayPal & @Twilio

Session Application Programming Interface

Scaling GraphQL Adoption at Netflix

Tuesday Oct 25 / 01:40PM PDT

GraphQL is steadily gaining popularity as an API technology choice for Client to Server communication. However, it can be daunting to realize the benefits of GraphQL without significant investment.

Speaker image - Tejas Shikhare

Tejas Shikhare

Senior Software Engineer @Netflix

Session Application Programming Interface

Sidecars, eBPF and the Future of Service Mesh

Tuesday Oct 25 / 05:25PM PDT

Controversy over the future of service meshes and their architectures is swirling. This is a vital discussion as enterprise migration to microservice and Kubernetes-based architectures continue. This talk incorporates the latest community developments to explore what the future looks like.

Speaker image - Jim Barton

Jim Barton

Field Engineer @Solo, previously @Redhat @Amazon & @Zappos


Unconference: Modern APIs

Tuesday Oct 25 / 04:10PM PDT

What is an unconference? At QCon SF, we’ll have unconferences in most of our tracks.

Speaker image - Shane Hastie

Shane Hastie

Global Delivery Lead for SoftEd and Lead Editor for Culture & Methods at InfoQ.com