Architecting for High Availability in the Cloud with Cellular Architecture

With the explosion in the usage of cloud computing and microservices, blast radius underpins highly availability systems. At AWS, all new services are embracing a cellular architecture - which gets them to reduce the blast radius, scale gracefully, and deliver the highest availability to its customers. We dive into the merits of cellular architecture, design options with cellularization, and how to effectively isolate at the level of the AWS account. We also cover Infrastructure-As-Code patterns to quickly bring up cells, how to securely connect each cell with foundational services like metrics across VPCs, and how to manage the multitude of AWS accounts you end up with. 

What's the focus of your work these days?

I’ve recently transitioned from working on the backend, architecture, and infrastructure components of Momento’s serverless cache to lead our developer ecosystem. That means that my current day job is providing clean, simple libraries that allow Momento users to start caching with as little friction as humanly possible, in whatever environment they are already building things in. Nowadays, instead of building out our infrastructure, I’m focused on helping users remove things from theirs :)

What's the motivation for your talk at QCon San Francisco 2023?

Having witnessed several different strategies for managing and scaling server-side infrastructure at my previous jobs, I have seen first-hand what a huge difference it makes for a software company (and more importantly, for their customers) to invest a little upfront to build a solid foundation for a cellular architecture. Over time, the relatively small upfront investment pays off in so many ways: protecting customers from outages, allowing the business to react more quickly to changing demands, dramatically reducing operational overhead and improving developer productivity; the list goes on. I’m excited to share some of these learnings in hopes that the audience can adapt them to their own infrastructure.

How would you describe your main persona and target audience for this session?

This talk is intended for engineering folks who are building and operating multi-regional cloud applications and services. We’ll primarily focus on AWS solutions to cellular architecture problems, so some familiarity with AWS account and permissions management will be useful, but the principles can be applied to any major cloud environment.

Is there anything specific that you'd like people to walk away with after watching your session?

Attendees will hear about some of the very tangible benefits that can be achieved by building automation for deploying and managing cellular infrastructure for your service or application. We’ll also give some concrete examples of specific technologies such as AWS SSO, AWS Organizations, and AWS CodePipelines that can be used to realize a scalable cellular solution. I hope to convince you that a small engineering investment upfront will pay for itself many, many times over by improving your customer experience and increasing your engineering velocity.


Chris Price

Software Engineer @Momento, Previously Launched New Video Streaming Services @AWS, 10+ Years in Engineering Leadership at Software Startups

Chris is a Software Engineer at Momento, where he helped design and build Momento’s cellular architecture and the corresponding CI/CD automation.

His interest in infrastructure automation began at Puppet Labs, during the genesis of the DevOps movement. After 5 years in a tech lead role at Puppet, Chris moved on to AWS, where he helped build the foundation for the brand new AWS MediaTailor service, a core component of Amazon’s NFL Thursday Night Football broadcasts and one of the first services inside of AWS to launch with a cellular architecture on Day 1.

Now at Momento, Chris is passionately working to improve the productivity and happiness of all engineers who have ever experienced the “joys” of building and operating a cache cluster, by contributing to Momento’s serverless caching products. When he escapes from the keyboard, you will most likely find him in the garden or on a bike ride in his beautiful home town of Portland, OR.

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Wednesday Oct 4 / 03:55PM PDT ( 50 minutes )


Ballroom BC


Cellular Architecture Cloud Infrastructure Architecture Scalability


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