Presentation: "Conquering XML with LINQ in Visual Basic 9.0"

Time: Friday 09:30 - 10:30

Location: City

Abstract: XML programming is central to writing data-centric applications; it permeates the presentation tier (XAML, XHTML), communications layer (REST, RSS, WCF), is present on the server tier (XML on SQL), and is used regularly for general purposes (configuration, logging, persistent stores.) But XML is not a tame data format, peculiarities like XML namespaces can make it a beast to deal with. In Visual Basic 9.0, XML becomes a built-in data type with a rich editing experience that completely eliminates the conceptual barrier between the code that you write and the XML that you're trying to express. But, this is not a toy set of features - this session will take you from the guts of the LINQ to XML API to the easy to grasp abstractions presented in Visual Basic 9.0. It will cover tips, tricks, and gotchas so that you reach peak performance when programming against XML with Visual Basic 9.0.

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Beth Massi

 Beth  Massi Beth Massi is a Program Manager at Microsoft on the VS Community Team working with the Visual Basic Team producing developer content on MSDN ( and her blog ( As a VB community champion and a member of the Microsoft community she helps run a .NET user group in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a frequent speaker at various software development events. Before Microsoft she was a Senior Systems Architect at a health care software product company and was a Microsoft Solutions Architect MVP. Over the last decade she has worked on distributed applications and frameworks using Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET, SQL-Server, and Visual FoxPro. She has worked on various projects including developing object-oriented middle-tier frameworks, COM, .NET, Web and Windows-based applications using Microsoft development tools for a variety of businesses. She loves teaching, mountain biking, and modifying cars.