Presentation: "Keynote / Panel"

Time: Friday 17:15 - 18:15

Location: Metropolitan Ballroom

Abstract: A panel designed by Martin Fowler at the conference, based on the presentations from the conference, finalizing the conference.

Martin Fowler, Refactoring, Analysing Patterns, ThoughtWorks

 Martin  Fowler, Refactoring, Analysing Patterns

I'm an author, speaker, consultant and general loud-mouth on software development.

I concentrate on designing enterprise software - looking at what makes a good design and what practices are needed to come up with good design. I've pioneered object-oriented technology, refactoring, patterns, agile methodologies, domain modeling, the Unified Modeling Language (UML), and Extreme Programming.

I'm the Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks - an international application development company. I've written five books on software development: Analysis Patterns, UML Distilled (now in its 3rd edition), Refactoring, Planning Extreme Programming (with Kent Beck), and Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. I also write articles regularly on my site at Martin Fowler.