Presentation: "Oracle: The Top 10 Ways to Botch Enterprise Java Application Scalability and Reliability"

Time: Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Concordia

Abstract: See below

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Cameron Purdy, founder & president of Tangosol, Oracle

 Cameron  Purdy, founder & president of Tangosol

Cameron Purdy is a Vice President of Development in Oracle's Fusion Middleware group. He was the founder, president and CEO of Tangosol and has over ten years of experience with Java and Java-related technology. Since 2000, his leadership, vision, and commitment to exceptional product quality and customer satisfaction have made Tangosol Coherence, now Oracle Coherence, the market leading in-memory caching and data grid solution to companies building and running mission critical Enterprise Java and .NET applications. Tangosol was acquired by Oracle in April 2007.

As a software visionary and industry leader, Mr. Purdy is a frequent presenter at industry conferences and has received a number of awards in recognition of his contribution to the Java community. He regularly participates in industry standards development and is the specification lead for JSR 107 (jCache)