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Patrick Curran, JCP

 Patrick  Curran

Presentation: "Standards: who cares? (why care?)"

Time: Thursday 16:00 - 17:00

Location: Concordia


Being an Illustrated Guide to Events of Significance in the Regulation of Social and Scientifick Affairs from the Earliest Period to the Present Day, Showing their Effects in Human Progress, including a Proposal for Further Advancement under the Leadership of the Duke of Java.

Standards are the foundation of the modern world. It would not be possible to mail a package or send an email message, drive a car or take an airplane trip, shop for food in a supermarket, obtain medical treatment in a hospital, watch TV or movies, enjoy a sports game, or do any of the other things that the modern world offers if it weren't for standards.

Java is built on standards, and its success is directly attributable to the community-driven process through which the language and platform are evolved. The Java Community Process (JCP) is *your* standards organization. It's not just for platform implementors and large corporations. The views of individual developers and the open-source community matter, and you can directly influence Java's future by joining the JCP and by participating in its activities. We'll tell you how...

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