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Rob Windsor, ObjectSharp Consulting

 Rob  Windsor

Rob Windsor is a Senior Consultant and the Director of Training with ObjectSharp Consulting - a Microsoft Gold Partner based in Toronto, Canada. Rob focuses on the architecture, design and development of custom business applications using leading edge Microsoft technologies.

In addition Rob is a top rated instructor - authoring and teaching courses on .NET development, SharePoint and software architecture. As a member of the MSDN Canada Speakers Bureau, Rob has had a chance to present at conferences, code camps, and user group meetings in Toronto and across North America.

He is President of the Toronto Visual Basic User Group and has been recognized as a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for his involvement in the developer community.

Presentation: "REST, JSON and RSS with Windows Communication Foundation 3.5"

Time: Friday 11:00 - 12:00

Location: City


Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) isn't just for SOAP anymore. In the .NET Framework 3.5, WCF will get native support for Web 2.0 friendly protocols like REST, JSON and RSS. These additions will expand the options available to service providers and consumers and will make it easier for developers to take advantage of today's programmable web.

This session will cover URI templates, the importance of HTTP GET in the programmable web, how to expose service operations via HTTP GET, how to control the format of data exposed by service operations, and finally how to use the WebOperationContext to access the specifics of HTTP.

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