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Track Host: Glenn Vanderburg, Author of "Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus"
Glenn Vanderburg is a consultant at Relevance focused on cutting-edge software development technologies and techniques, including Ruby, JavaScript, Ajax, and state-of-the-art development practices.
Presentation: "The State of the DSL Art in Ruby"
Thursday 17:15 - 18:15
City Room
Abstract: The idea of internal DSLs didn't originate in Ruby, but the Ruby community has
been pushing hard on the idea and exploring its potential and limitations over the
past seven years or so. We're still very excited by the possibilities, but we've
definitely learned some things not to do. Mostly we've learned that DSL's aren't
magic -- either the white kind (they don't solve all your problems) or the black kind
(they aren't really that hard to build).
In this talk we'll discuss the lessons the Ruby community has learned, and learn
how to build state-of-the-art DSLs without going overboard.