Welcome to QCon, San Francisco, US
Conference: Nov 7-9, 2007
Tutorials: Nov 5-6, 2007
See our tracks and speakers.
Check out our conference wiki at qcon.editme.com, & organize a BOF on the evening of the 8th.
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Some of our speakers
M. Fowler Refactoring, Analysis Patterns |
Kent Beck First software patterns, XP, xUnit |
Rod Johnson Spring Creator |
Dan Pritchett eBay Architect |
Eric Evans Domain Driven Design |
Jean-Luc Vaillant Linked-In CTO |
Jutta Eckstein Agile in Large |
Erik Meijer Creator, LINQ |
Linda Rising Global Presenter |
Tracks at QConSF
Challenges in Agile (and how to overcome them)
Agile Challenges, Large-scale teams, evolutionary DB's, Retrospectives
Architecture Quality
Modifiability, Product Lines, Latency, Domain-Driven Design, Performance and Scalability, architects/marketects, Architecture Patterns
Architectures you've always wondered about
Linked-In, Yahoo!, eBay, Second Life, and Orbitz architecture case studies
Bleeding Edge .NET
REST with WCF, XML & LINQ in VB9, EDM & eSQL, Acropolis
Connecting SOA and the Web: How much REST do we need?
REST & SOA, Internet Scale Integration, REST & WS Myths
Five Things I Wish I Learned In College
Research technologies that may be disruptive in 10-20 years
Emerging Client Technologies
Silverlight vs. JavaFX/Consumer JRE vs. Adobe Flex/AIR vs. Google's Ajax RIA stack
Java Emerging technologies
JRuby, Grails, Server-side OSGi, DSL development, Batch Processing
The Rise of Ruby
Learn how to best take advantage of what Ruby has to offer
Java in action
Concurrency, Spring Configuration, AOP in the Enterprise, TestNG, Future of Java
Practical Security for Application Developers