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Jason Rudolph, Relevance, Inc.

 Jason  Rudolph

Jason Rudolph is a Principal at Relevance, a leading consultancy and training organization specializing in Ruby, Rails, Groovy, and Grails, and integrating them into enterprise environments. Jason has more than eight years of experience in developing software solutions for domestic and international clients of all sizes, including start-ups, Dow 30 companies, and government organizations.

Jason is the author of the book, Getting Started with Grails, and speaks frequently at software conferences and user groups. Jason also contributes regularly to the open source community, and is a committer to both Grails and the Streamlined framework.

Jason holds a degree in Computer Science from the University of Virginia. You can find Jason online at http://jasonrudolph.com.

Presentation: "Getting Started with Grails"

Time: Thursday 13:00 - 14:00

Location: Stanford


Grails is an open-source web application framework that's all about getting things done. Grails combines best-of-breed Java technologies (including Hibernate and Spring), convention over configuration, and the powerful and dynamic Groovy language. Together with these elements and Groovy's ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing Java code, Grails finally legitimizes rapid web application development for the Java platform.

In this presentation, we'll see first-hand how to use Grails to build a fully-functioning and flexible web application in minimal time. As we develop the application, we'll explore the Grails project structure, its MVC elements, and the power of dynamic methods. We'll see how Groovy's highly-expressive nature allows us to write concise code, and Grails' use of sensible defaults (á la convention over configuration) saves us from much of the coding and configuration we'd otherwise face with many traditional frameworks.

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