Mark Ferraro, Valtech

Mark Ferraro is a transformation practitioner with Valtech. He has a decade and a half of information technology experience from many aspects of the software development value stream. He is focused on applying and helping others across the enterprise to apply industry-recognized Agile-Lean and other best practices that enable teams to meet and exceed business objectives. Cultivating and growing effective Communities of Practice (CoP) is his preferred approach to achieve enterprise transformations and installing lasting change. This approach establishes a setting for rapid adoption, continuous improvement, increased productivity, organizational learning, and high employee morale. He is committed to working with individuals, teams, and organizations to identify and implement the essential elements necessary to reach their full potential and sustain a competitive advantage.
He has also designed and developed training solutions for certification, skills development, and knowledge transfer. He has delivered these solutions using the traditional classroom setting, as a conference speaker, and by using multimedia/web asynchronous techniques. He is a Certified Usability Analyst (CUA), and a Certified Business Analyst (CBA). Additionally, he holds a graduate certificate in Adult Education/Training and Development, and an undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems.