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Principal Technical Yahoo! Mark Nottingham, Yahoo!
Mark Nottingham is a Principal Technical Yahoo!, putting together Web-based infrastructure for sites like Yahoo! Finance, Sports, Tech, TV and Movies.
He has spent the last decade designing, debugging, serving and caching Web content, with past stints at Merrill Lynch, Akamai and BEA Systems, along with scars from writing specifications like the Atom Syndication Format, WS-Policy and the WS-I Basic Profile, and chairing both IETF and W3C Working Groups.
Right now, his focus is on using HTTP for what the rest of the industry calls Web Services.
Presentation: "HTTP Status Report"
Thursday 11:00 - 12:00
Abstract: Until recently, HTTP was used for browsers to GET and POST HTML and a handful of other formats to and from Web servers, and it worked well. Recently, however, people have been finding more and more to do with it -- and not just because it can get through the firewall.
This talk will take a hard look at where HTTP is today, and what implementations are doing well (and not so well). We'll also take a look at possible futures -- good and bad -- and how HTTP might be extended and evolve.