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Rod Johnson, Creator of Spring
Rod is the father of Spring. The Spring Framework open source project began in February 2003, based on the Interface21 framework published with Rod's best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development.
Rod is one of the world's leading authorities on Java and J2EE development. He is a best-selling author, experienced consultant, and open source developer, as well as a popular conference speaker.
Rod's best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development (2002) was one of the most influential books ever published on J2EE. The sequel, J2EE without EJB (July 2004, with Juergen Hoeller), has proven almost equally significant, establishing a comprehensive vision for lightweight, post-EJB J2EE development.
Rod has extensive experience as a consultant in a wide range of industries: principally, finance, media and insurance. He has specialized in server-side Java development since 1996. Prior to that, he worked mainly in C and C++. His experience as a consultant has led him to see problems from a client's perspective as well as a technology perspective, and has driven his influential criticism of bloated, inefficient, orthodox approaches to J2EE architecture, which have delivered very poor results for stakeholders.
Rod is the founder of the Spring Framework, which began from code published with Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development. Along with Juergen Hoeller, he continues to lead the development of Spring.
He regularly speaks at conferences in the US, Europe and Asia, including the ServerSide Symposium (2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006), JavaPolis (Europe's leading Java conference) in 2004 and 2005, JavaZone (2004 and 2005) and JAOO (2004). He was awarded a prize for giving one of the top 20 presentations (by evaluation) at JavaOne in 2005, and delivered keynotes at the JavaWorld conference in Tokyo, June, 2005, the JAX conference in Munich (October, 2005) and the Spring Experience conference in Bal Harbour, Florida, in December 2005.
Rod serves in the JCP on the Expert Groups defining the Servlet 2.4 and JDO 2.0 specifications. His status as a leader in the Java community has been recognized through his invitation to Sun's Java Champions program. Rod continues to be actively involved in client projects at Interface21, as well as Spring development, writing and evangelism.
Presentation: "Open Standards Development: Opportunity or Constraint?"
Wednesday 14:15 - 15:15
Abstract: Is the open standards movement as significant a development as open source?
Does it translate in opportunities for you, or is standards work a barrier to free
software development? Are standards-development bodies the right places to
engage in software development? Should you get involved, or are standards
forums a waste of time, slow and bureaucratic, and a distraction from open source
development opportunities?
The participants on this panel will share with you their diverse practical experience with open standards and open source development, and they will welcome an animated exchange of opinions. Bring your questions and comments, engage with the experts, and judge for yourself how open standards can help to move technology forward.
Presentation: "Introduction to SpringSource Application Platform"
Thursday 14:15 - 15:15
Metro 1
Abstract: The SpringSource Application Platform is a new Spring-based server platform offering innovative modularity, concurrency, serviceability, and extensibility. Its core dm-Kernel technology builds on OSGi to provide a next-generation middleware kernel, and new, superior deployment options.
After giving an overview of the Platform's concepts and roadmap, Rod will focus on using it to develop and deploy web applications.
If you're a Java web developer, you're familiar with monolithic WAR deployments and library bloat, and must have wondered if there's a better way. Well, there is! This session will focus on developing web applications in an OSGi environment and will include a discussion of the migration path from a standard Java EE WAR to a fully modular web application packaged as a Web Module within a PAR. We will begin with an overview of deployment and packaging options available on the SpringSource Application Platform and then take a closer look at each supported web deployment model from Standard WARs to Shared Libraries WARs, Shared Services WARs, and finally Web Modules. Attendees will gain a solid understanding of how to develop and deploy next generation web applications.
Presentation: "Panel: How does the Open Source trend in Java affect your design and development process?"
Thursday 15:45 - 16:45
Metro 1
Abstract: When Java 1.0 was released in 1995, closed-source and proprietary software were the norm and the idea of open source was not a common one, being confined primarily to the academic arena. Today open source software is a major force in the marketplace, and the Java language and platform has been one of the primary beneficiaries of this shift.
This panel discussion with several influential leaders of the software development community will discuss and debate the effect of open source upon the Java language, the variety of open source Java projects which are now available for developers to use, and the effect that the drive towards open source has had upon the business models of those who develop products and solutions in Java.
Presentation: "Spring 3.0 And Beyond"
Thursday 17:15 - 18:15
Abstract: Srini Penchikala interviewing Rod Johnson.