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Ross Mason, MuleSource
Prior to founding MuleSource, Ross Mason was Chief Executive Officer of
SymphonySoft Limited, an EU-based company providing services and support for
large-scale integration projects.
Previously, Mason was Lead Architect for RaboBank and played a key role in
developing one of the first large-scale ESB implementations in 2002. Mason
has also worked with NatWest Bank, Credit Suisse and UBS.
Mason founded the open source Mule http://mule.mulesource.org R project in
2003. Frustrated by integration "donkey work," Ross set out to create a new
platform that emphasized ease of development and re-use of components. He
started the Mule project to bring a modern approach, one of assembly, rather
than repetitive coding, to developers worldwide.
Mason holds a BS (Hons) in Computer Science from Bristol, UK.
Presentation: "Panel: How does the Open Source trend in Java affect your design and development process?"
Thursday 15:45 - 16:45
Metro 1
Abstract: When Java 1.0 was released in 1995, closed-source and proprietary software were the norm and the idea of open source was not a common one, being confined primarily to the academic arena. Today open source software is a major force in the marketplace, and the Java language and platform has been one of the primary beneficiaries of this shift.
This panel discussion with several influential leaders of the software development community will discuss and debate the effect of open source upon the Java language, the variety of open source Java projects which are now available for developers to use, and the effect that the drive towards open source has had upon the business models of those who develop products and solutions in Java.
Presentation: "MuleSource"
Friday 14:15 - 15:15
Abstract: TBA