Marc Stiegler is a research scientist at HP Labs. He was the main designer of CapDesk and Polaris, two desktop systems that are robust in the face of cyberattack, and the DarpaBrowser, a secure web browser that introduced concepts now incorporated in Google Chrome.
His book "Programming Languages for the IBM PC" was listed as 20 key books on the PC by Byte Magazine, and his DecideRight decision analysis system was selected as Best New Business Software by the Software Publisher's Association in 1996.
Presentation: "Introduction and Overview of Thursday's Tracks"Time: Thursday 09:00 - 09:20 Location: Metropolitan Ballroom
Abstract: Floyd Marinescu and Thursday Track Hosts will present the program and provide
a short introduction of the Tracks scheduled for Wednesday.
Presentation: "Security Architectures versus Security"Time: Thursday 15:35 - 16:35 Location: Concordia Room
Abstract: A system can be neither more secure nor more usable than the level of brokenness of the fundamental security architecture. Here we examine a number of widely popular security architectures on the Web including the Independence Day Evil Alien Architecture, the Gilded Cage, and Gone Phishin'. An audience participation section explores which popular modern systems fall into which broken architecture categories. We finish with a look at less popular but more effective architectures now becoming available, and the tools and techniques to exploit these better alternatives.