Speakers at QCon San Francisco 2010

 Adam  Messinger
Adam Messinger,
VP of Development in the Fusion Middleware Group, Oracle
 Adrian  Cockcroft
Adrian Cockcroft,
Cloud Architect at Netflix
 Ainsley  Nies
Ainsley Nies,
Principal, Acorn Consulting Enterprises
No picture
Alex Buckley,
Spec lead, Java Language and VM
 Alexandru  Popescu
Alexandru Popescu,
Co-founder: TestNG, InfoQ
 Amr  Awadallah
Amr Awadallah,
CTO, Cloudera
 Amr  Elssamadisy  Andrew Clay Shafer
Andrew Clay Shafer,
Cloud Building DevOps Guy
 Andy  Gross
Andy Gross,
Basho Technologies
 Ari  Zilka, Founder
Ari Zilka, Founder,
No picture
Ashish Kumar,
Engineering Manager, Google
 Billy  Newport  Biren  Gandhi
Biren Gandhi,
Architect at Zynga
 Blake  Dournaee
Blake Dournaee,
Product Manager, Intel SOA Products
 Brian  Sletten
Brian Sletten,
Forward-Leaning Software Engineer, Mentor, Author
 Brian  Warner
Brian Warner,
Engineer with Mozilla Labs
 Brian  Zeichick
Brian Zeichick,
TeamForge Product Manager, CollabNet
 Chris  Custine
Chris Custine,
 Collin  Jackson
Collin Jackson,
Asst. Research Professor, CMU
 Dale  Schumacher
Dale Schumacher,
Professional Gadfly
 Damien  Katz
Damien Katz,
Creator of CouchDB and CouchOne Founder
 Dan  Ingalls
Dan Ingalls,
The principal architect of five generations of Smalltalk environment
 Dan  North
Dan North,
Agile troublemaker, developer, originator of BDD
 Darren  Wood
Darren Wood,
Architect and Lead Developer of InfiniteGraph
 Diana  Larsen
Diana Larsen,
FutureWorks Consulting
 Dwight  Merriman
Dwight Merriman,
Co-Founder of 10gen
 Eishay  Smith
Eishay Smith,
Director of Engineering at Wealthfront Inc.
 Erik  Meijer  Floyd  Marinescu
Floyd Marinescu,
Father of InfoQ
 Geva  Perry
Geva Perry,
Software executive and cloud computing blogger
 Gil  Tene
Gil Tene,
Vice President of Technology and CTO, Co-Founder for Azul Systems
 Guilherme  Silveira
Guilherme Silveira,
Creator of Restfulie and Editorial chief of InfoQ Brazil
 Jason  Hunter
Jason Hunter,
Principal Technologist with MarkLogic
 Jason  McHugh
Jason McHugh,
Senior Principal Engineer at Amazon
 Jason  Sobel
Jason Sobel,
Facebook Infrastructure Team, Engineering Manager
 Jeff  Brown
Jeff Brown,
Core member on Grails Development Team
 Jesper  Boeg
Jesper Boeg,
Trifork Software Pilot
 Jez  Humble
Jez Humble,
Build and Release Principal at ThoughtWorks
 Jim  Falgout
Jim Falgout,
Pervasive DataRush Chief Technologist
 John  Allspaw
John Allspaw,
Engineering Culture Hacker
 John  Davies
John Davies,
CTO and Founder of Incept5
Developer at Atlassian John  Kodumal  John  Wang
John Wang,
LinkedIn Search Architect
 John L. Callas
John L. Callas,
Project Manager of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover project
 Jon  Watte
Jon Watte,
Virtual World Expert
 Joseph  Yoder
Joseph Yoder,
Software Patterns writer
 Josh  Graham
Josh Graham,
Chief Dispenser of Pleasantries
 Khawaja  Shams
Khawaja Shams,
Software Engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
 Kresten Krab  Thorup
Kresten Krab Thorup,
Hacker, CTO of Trifork
 Leonardo  Mattiazzi
Leonardo Mattiazzi,
Business Leader fostering Lean SW Development
 Lloyd  Taylor
Lloyd Taylor,
President of NetElder Associates
 Marc  Stiegler
Marc Stiegler,
Research scientist at HP Labs
No picture
Marius Eriksen,
 Mark S. Miller
Mark S. Miller,
Research Scientist at Google
Chief Scientist Martin  Fowler
Chief Scientist Martin Fowler,
Loud-mouth on Object Design
 Martin  Thompson
Martin Thompson,
CTO and co-founder of LMAX/Tradefair
 Matthias  Matook
Matthias Matook,
Enterprise Architect, Ecetera
 Michael  Barker
Michael Barker,
Lead developer at London Multi-Asset eXchange (LMAX)
 Michael  Feathers
Michael Feathers,
Author of "Working Effectively with Legacy Code"
 Michael T.  Nygard
Michael T. Nygard,
Author of "Release It!"
 Mike  Allen
Mike Allen,
Head of Product Management, Terracotta
 Mike  Sutton
Mike Sutton,
Fun Mongerer, WizeWerx
 Nati  Shalom
Nati Shalom,
CTO and Founder of GigaSpaces
 Nick  Kallen
Nick Kallen,
Twitter Engineer; FlockDb co-creator
 Ola  Bini
Ola Bini,
Language Geek
 Patrick  Copeland
Patrick Copeland,
Google Dir of Engineering; Saved Google 700 engineering years
 Ralph  Johnson
Ralph Johnson,
Co-author of Design Patterns and led the development of the first automated refactoring tool
 Randy  Shoup
Randy Shoup,
eBay Chief Engineer
 Randy  Stafford
Randy Stafford,
Greybeard architect turned Coherence consultant
 Razi  Sharir
Razi Sharir,
CEO, Xeround - SQL cloud database
 Rebecca  Wirfs-Brock
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock,
Inventor of Responsibility-Driven Design
No picture  Robert  Myers  Robert  Sedor
Robert Sedor,
Lead Architect, Pitney Bowes Engineering
 Rod  Barlow
Rod Barlow,
Software Architect at Shopzilla
 Roger  Bodamer
Roger Bodamer,
SVP Products, 10Gen/MongoDB
 Rolf  Russell
Rolf Russell,
DevOps/Build/Release Practice Lead at ThoughtWorks
 Ron  Bodkin
Ron Bodkin,
Think Big Analytics and Former Xerox Parc AspectJ Committer
 Ross  Mason
Ross Mason,
CTO & Founder, MuleSoft Inc
 Ryan  Dahl
Ryan Dahl,
Creator of Node.js
No picture
Ryan King,
Systems Engineer at Twitter
 Ryan  Slobojan
Ryan Slobojan,
Managing Director, RoundTrip Networks
 Sastry  Malladi
Sastry Malladi,
Distinguished Architect, eBay
 Scott  Delap
Scott Delap,
Riot Games Scalability Architect, coding ninja
 Sean  Power
Sean Power,
Author of Complete Web Monitoring
 Siddharth  Anand  Simon  Guest
Simon Guest,
Microsoft Senior Director of Technical Strategy in the Developer and Platform Evangelism
 Stefan  Tilkov
Stefan Tilkov,
SOA and REST authority, innoQ founder
 Stuart  Halloway
Stuart Halloway,
Author of "Programming Clojure" and "Rails for Java Developers"
 Subbu  Allamaraju
Subbu Allamaraju,
Web and REST pragmatist
 Thor  Muller
Thor Muller,
CTO & Co-founder of Get Satisfaction
No picture
Tim Wagner,
 Tom  Enebo
Tom Enebo,
Co-lead of the JRuby project
 Tom  Sulston
Tom Sulston,
Lead Consultant, ThoughtWorks UK
 Tyler  Close
Tyler Close,
Works on Web Application security at Google
 Ulf  Wiger
Ulf Wiger,
Erlang Expert
 Uri  Cohen
Uri Cohen,
Gigaspaces Product Mgr
 Vaughn  Vernon
Vaughn Vernon,
Software developer veteran