Speakers at QCon San Francisco 2012

 Aditya  Bansod
Aditya Bansod,
VP of Product Marketing at Sencha
 Adrian  Cho
Adrian Cho,
Program Director, Rational Jazz ALM at IBM Rational and author of "The Jazz Process"
 Adrian  Cockcroft
Adrian Cockcroft,
Director of architecture for the Cloud Systems team at Netflix
 Aino Vonge Corry
Aino Vonge Corry,
Retrospectives Facilitator / PC member
 Alex  Gaber
Alex Gaber,
Layer 7
 Alexander  von Zitzewitz
Alexander von Zitzewitz,
Co-founder of hello2morrow Inc
 Andy  Gross
Andy Gross,
Co-Creator of Riak, Chief Architect at Basho
 Anne  K Halsall
Anne K Halsall,
Product Designer at Quora
No picture
Arun Gupta,
Java EE & GlassFish Guy, Oracle
 Aseem  Kishore
Aseem Kishore,
Developer at FiftyThree
 Bhaven  Avalani  Blake  Dournaee
Blake Dournaee,
Product Manager at Intel
 Bob  Lee
Bob Lee,
Track host, CTO, Square; Creator of Google Guice
 Casey  Rosenthal  Cesar  Idrovo
Cesar Idrovo,
Director, Incept5
 Chris  Kelly
Chris Kelly,
Developer/Evangelist at New Relic
 Christophe  Coenraets  Chuck  Rossi
Chuck Rossi,
Release Engineering Manager, Facebook
 Dan  Gilmer
Dan Gilmer,
Ancestry.com, Manager of AppOps (DevOps)
 Dan  Smith
Dan Smith,
Java Designer and Compiler Developer, Oracle
 Daniel  Erickson
Daniel Erickson,
Senior JavaScript Developer at Yammer
 Darren  Wood
Darren Wood,
Architect and Lead Developer of InfiniteGraph
 Dave  Freeman
Dave Freeman,
WebOS SWAT Engineer, Palm
 David  Mortenson
David Mortenson,
Engineering Manager, Facebook
 David  Waite
David Waite,
Ping Identity
 Derek  Parham  Dio  Synodinos
Dio Synodinos,
Research Platform Team Lead at C4Media
 Emil  Eifrem
Emil Eifrem,
CEO of Neo Technology
 Enda  McGrath  Eric  Brewer
Eric Brewer,
VP of Infrastructure at Google, Professor at UC Berkeley
 Eric  Burke
Eric Burke,
Software Engineer at Square
 Eric  Evans
Eric Evans,
Author of Domain Driven Design
 Erik  Bierwagen
Erik Bierwagen,
Principal Programmer Analyst, Genentech
 Erik  Meijer
Erik Meijer,
 Faruk  Ates
Faruk Ates,
Founder of four53
 Floyd  Marinescu
Floyd Marinescu,
InfoQ / PC member
 Frank  Harris
Frank Harris,
Product Manager at Etsy
 Gabriel  Grant
Gabriel Grant,
Developer Advocate and Engineer, dotCloud
 Gareth  Rushgrove
Gareth Rushgrove,
Web geek, GOV.UK
 Gil  Tene
Gil Tene,
CTO and Co-founder, Azul Systems
 Glenn  Vanderburg
Glenn Vanderburg,
 Guilherme  Silveira
Guilherme Silveira,
Creator of Restfulie and Editorial chief of InfoQ Brazil
 Guillermo  Rauch
Guillermo Rauch,
CTO of LearnBoost
 Hans  Jespersen
Hans Jespersen,
Principal Systems Engineer at Solace Systems
 Ian  Robinson
Ian Robinson,
Author of "REST in Practice", Neo Technology
 Ignacio  Thayer
Ignacio Thayer,
Co-founder and CTO of ReadyForZero.com
 James  Lewis
James Lewis,
Principal Consultant at Thoughtworks
 James  Pearce
James Pearce,
Head of Developer Advocacy, Facebook
 Jeff  Brown
Jeff Brown,
Core member on Grails Development Team
 Jeff  Gothelf
Jeff Gothelf,
Founding partner, Proof, Author of “Lean UX: Applying lean principles to improve user experience”
 Jeff  Patton
Jeff Patton,
Agile and Product Design Coach, Co-founder of Comakers LLC
 Jeremy  Edberg
Jeremy Edberg,
Reliability Architect for Netflix
 Jesse  Robbins
Jesse Robbins,
Founding CEO of Opscode
 Jesse  Wilson
Jesse Wilson,
App and Open Source Developer
 Jez  Humble
Jez Humble,
Author of "Continuous Delivery", Principal Consultant, ThoughtWorks / PC member
 Jim  Webber
Jim Webber,
Chief Scientist at Neo Technology and Co-Author of "Rest in Practice"
 Joanna  Zweig
Joanna Zweig,
Ph.D, PMP, CSM, CEO of Integral System Response
 John  Esser
John Esser,
Director of Engineering Productivity, Ancestry.com
 John  Hughes
John Hughes,
Co-designer of Haskell and QuickCheck
 John  Penix
John Penix,
Developer Infrastructure Team, Google, Inc
 John  Tangney
John Tangney,
Senior Software Engineer, Skybox Imaging
 John  Wetherill
John Wetherill,
ActiveState's Developer Evangelist
 Joseph  Russell  Juergen  Fesslmeier
Juergen Fesslmeier,
Wakanda Product Manager at 4D
 Keith  Adams
Keith Adams,
Engineer, HipHop Team, Facebook
 Ken  Collier
Ken Collier,
Track host, PhD, Agile Analytics Practice Lead, ThoughtWorks
 Kenny  Gorman
Kenny Gorman,
Founder, Chief Architect ObjectRocket Inc
 Kevin  Bourrillion  Kevlin  Henney
Kevlin Henney,
Patterns, Programming, Practice and Process
 Lane  Halley
Lane Halley,
Product Designer, Carbon Five
 Llewellyn  Falco
Llewellyn Falco,
Instructor for DevelopMentor
 Mark  Little
Mark Little,
Chief Technologist of JBoss, Red Hat
 Martin  Thompson
Martin Thompson,
High-Performance & Low-Latency Specialist at Real Logic / Track Host
 Marty  Weiner
Marty Weiner,
Cloud Ninja @ Pinterest
 Mary  Holstege
Mary Holstege,
 Matthew  Barcomb
Matthew Barcomb,
Lean/Agile Coach & Principle Consultant at ODBox
 Matthew  Barker
Matthew Barker,
Versant Corporation
 Maximiliano  Firtman
Maximiliano Firtman,
Adobe Community Professional
 Michael  Feathers
Michael Feathers,
Member of the Technical Staff, Groupon
 Michael  Kopp
Michael Kopp,
Technology Strategist, Compuware-Dynatrace
 Michael T.  Nygard
Michael T. Nygard,
Author of "Release It!"
 Mike  Amundsen
Mike Amundsen,
Principal API Architect for Layer 7 Technologies
 Mike  Solomon
Mike Solomon,
YouTube, Distributed Systems
 Nell  Thomas
Nell Thomas,
Data Analyst at Etsy
 Nikita  Ivanov
Nikita Ivanov,
Fonder and CEO, GridGain Systems
 Nitin  Bharti
Nitin Bharti,
Track Host, Managing Editor and Product Manager, C4Media
No picture  Owen  Barnes
Owen Barnes,
Creator of SocketStream
 Patrick  Linskey
Patrick Linskey,
Software Enthusiast and Collaborator at Cisco / PC member
 Paul  Betts
Paul Betts,
Windows ⁄ .NET Hacker for GitHub
 Pavlo  Baron
Pavlo Baron,
Lead architect at codecentric AG
 Pete  LePage
Pete LePage,
Developer Advocate, Google
 Peter  Bell
Peter Bell,
Senior VP Engineering, General Assembly
 Raffi  Krikorian
Raffi Krikorian,
Senior Director of the Platform Services group, Twitter
 Randy  Shoup
Randy Shoup,
Google Cloud Computing
 Ravi  Rajwar
Ravi Rajwar,
 Rich  Hickey
Rich Hickey,
Creator of Clojure
 Robert  Lancaster  Robert  Shilston
Robert Shilston,
Director, Labs Division, Financial Times
 Roberto  Peon
 Roger  Bodamer
Roger Bodamer,
Founder/CEO at Stealth
 Ross  Mason
Ross Mason,
Founder and CTO of MuleSoft, Creator of the Mule Integration Platform
 Russell  Barnett
Russell Barnett,
Chief Architect, Ancestry.com
 Ryan  Kennedy
Ryan Kennedy,
Director of Core Services Engineering, Yammer
 Sadek  Drobi
Sadek Drobi,
CTO of Zenexity, Track host
 Sean  Cribbs
Sean Cribbs,
Software Engineer, Basho Technologies
 Shanely  Kane
Shanely Kane,
Director of product management at Basho
 Shay  Shmeltzer
Shay Shmeltzer,
Sr Group Manager at Oracle
 Stephen  Burton
Stephen Burton,
Tech Evangelist at AppDynamics
 Stephen  Buxton
Stephen Buxton,
 Steve  Vinoski
Steve Vinoski,
Architect at Basho / PC member
 Stoyan  Stefanov
Stoyan Stefanov,
Facebook, Author of "JavaScript Patterns" by O'Reilly
 Talip  Ozturk
Talip Ozturk,
Founder of Hazelcast
 Tim  Stokes
Tim Stokes,
Applications Architect at FamilySearch.org
 Todd  Montgomery
Todd Montgomery,
Chief Architect of Informatica’s Messaging Business Unit
 Tom  Fastner
Tom Fastner,
Senior Architect, Analytic Platforms, eBay
 Tom  Hughes-Croucher
Tom Hughes-Croucher,
founder and principal at Jetpacks for Dinosaurs
 Tom  Lubinski
Tom Lubinski,
President and CTO, SL Corporation
 Tomer  Sharon
Tomer Sharon,
User Experience Researcher, Google
 Tony  Tam
Tony Tam,
CEO and Technical Co-founder, Wordnik
 Woody  Pewitt
Woody Pewitt,
 Woody  Zuill
Woody Zuill,
Agile Coach for Development Practices
 Yashwanth  Nelapati
Yashwanth Nelapati,
Cloud Balrog @ Pinterest
 Yuri  Finklestein No picture