Presentation: Build To Learn: Rapid Prototyping Methods


4:10pm - 5:00pm




Have you ever spent an overwhelming amount of time building a prototype that a user throws away in a matter of seconds? In this presentation, you'll learn about several low-fidelity prototyping methods that require little to no cost. These methods will help you learn about your product, gather high-quality feedback, and get the best version of your product out there as quickly as possible.

Prototyping is an incredible tool that enables you to better understand a user's needs, perceptions, and interactions which, in turn, help you create breakthrough digital experiences. It saves you time and money in the product development process without having to sacrifice the quality of user feedback. Prototyping early on (and often) will help you discover and solve problems before writing even a single line of code.

Key Takeaways:

  • 3 low-fidelity prototyping methods you can start using tomorrow
  • Knowledge of prototyping software and apps available to you
  • User testing tips & techniques
  • Examples of prototyping methods in action
  • How to spend ten minutes, instead of ten hours, creating a prototype you can put in front of users
  • Know-how on when, where, and which prototyping method to use depending on where you're at in the development process

Speaker: Sara Bayless Da Costa

UX Lead, Interaction Design Specialist @Fjord

Sara Bayless da Costa is a visual storyteller and design thinking evangelist helping people embrace human-centered design to create experiences their customers love. As an Interaction Design Specialist at Fjord, Sara works with companies to create breakthrough digital services across multiple platforms, smartly bringing together user needs, business goals, and technical realities. Her primary areas of expertise include user research, concept development, UX, and prototyping. To help others think outside the box, Sara has led and coached several design & innovation workshops for clients including Microsoft, Nordstrom, JetBlue, and School of Visual Concepts.

Find Sara Bayless Da Costa at

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